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E-mail, Database and Orders Update (New Mar 10, 2013)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:13 am
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Guys

Update on E-mails, Database and Orders. My e-mails are working fine now, however I still do not have access to my old e-mails so please include your full name with all contacts and your full address if placing a order.

I have no access to my invoicing database, but have hard copies of all invoices up to the date of the crash. For now new orders will be actioned using the e-mail invoice I send you, once I have the database running I will record orders to date.

Current order production goes well with over 300 sets and parts produced over the last 2 months. See pictures below. This week these parts will be put into customer bins so I can check for parts still required for orders. Orders that are complete will start shipping some time next week.. I still have a way to go completing orders.

Due to the hard drive crash and dealing with a problem of another company that is copying my parts as new evidence has come to light, this has been on going for over two years, I have lost many hours of work time. This has set back the assembly of the 20 Ton Jacks and production of the artwork for new parts which I had hope to complete by the end of last month.

At this time I am unable to estimate how long it will be before the following parts will be ready for shipping.

All types of 20 Ton Jacks
Tiger 1 and 2 Muzzle Brakes
All types of Blowtorch Heaters
KW Cold Start for All Tanks and AFV's
SD222 Turret Grill Cover
Tiger 2 Rear Mudguards
KW MG Mounts
Stug III Parts

You may ask why I do not just concentrate on one part at a time, that would be the ideal. However it does not work that way in most cases. I use 9", 12" and sometimes larger molds to make white metal parts. These molds have to be filled to maximize the production yield and to be cost effective. This means that all master for the molds have to be made before the mold can be produced. The same goes for photo-etched parts, it is not cost effective to produce just one part. I use .010", .020", and .030" brass for my parts. Each thickness of brass requires separate artwork. I base my artwork on a 6" x 12" sheet, each sheet has to be filled to maximize yield production. There are a fifty parts or more to produce the artwork for the above listed sets, these are all computer generated by myself, unlike the company that is copying my parts that sends my original parts to a photo-etch company and asks the company to copy them. The same goes for my metal and resin parts which the mentioned company is using as masters to make the molds to recast my parts.

Please be assured your orders will be completed, it just takes time. I would like to thank all my customers, both patient and impatient for there understanding of my situation. My products are in high demand, much more than I expected when I started this in 2003 with 10 sets for the Tiger 1. I now have over 300 sets in production and it is a lot of work for one man.


Pictures of parts produced






