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Bollards & Catches

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:06 pm
by steve winstone
Hi All,

I have just sent out Stephen Whites Bollards to be cast in nickel silver, as I think they will look better than brass. It does cost a little bit more the cost will be £10.00 each. I also wish to say a big thank you to Stephen White for allowing me to use his master.

I have just received 200 Bin catches I am a little disappointed as the holes have all disappeared and I have to re drill them all, It is taking me a long time to put together, the Cost is £3.25 for these each, but If I need to re order the price will be £4.00 each for the next batch. As it will be uneconomical to make them for less.
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Re: Bollards & Catches

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:25 am
by sean kerambrun
Hi Steve,

Do you have anymore latches for the centurion ?



Re: Bollards & Catches

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:43 am
by steve winstone
Hi Sean,

I have 1 set of 4 Bollards left, and around about 60 to 70 catches, Once the catches have gone I will never ever make them again. The bollards I can order at any time.


Re: Bollards & Catches

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:32 pm
by neil pudney
hi steve, i have a centurion build on the go so would like a set of latches for all the bins, can you pm me with price etc

Re: Bollards & Catches

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:30 pm
by neil pudney
To all centurion builders out there if you haven't got the latches yet that steve winstone has put together for us making the centurion then i would urge you to do so while he has some left.
I ordered a set from steve the other day and received them today, they are absolutely superb quality, i could never make something like that myself and spent ages looking on the internet for something to use with no luck. Many i found were far too big.
Its due to the skill and ingenuity of people like steve that we can improve a little more on what is already a superb kit. :D
Thanks again steve, i will cetainly keep my open for anything you list centurion related.
Best wishes,Neil

Re: Bollards & Catches

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:45 pm
by Steve Norris
PM sent