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T-34/76 Turret

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:58 pm
by Bill Riedel
I wonder how many of you have gotten to the 76's turret yet. This is what problems I learned today.

The turret walls are nearly 30mm thick and because so, pose several problems at least for me. Of the four holes for the capheads that secure the base ring to the gear/turret bottom, the two at three and nine o'clock, are almost half covered because of the turret wall thickness. Lots of Dremel work there.

The bigger problem is the holes for securing the turret front to the turret floor and then base ring all have different sized holes. The base ring is tapped (from the top only)M6. The two holes in the turret floor accommodate M6. The holes in the bottom of the turret walls are tapped M4 and of course are completely covered becuase of the turret wall's thickness.

I really wish they had machined the turret thickness less and made the entire top removable, ie., the Panther. I haven't even looked at the elevation and recoil parts yet but it is obvious all of that will have to be installed before the floor is attached to base ring, etc.

I welcome any ideas!