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Scale Hooks

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:16 pm
by Bob Gould

I'm moving into my new HQ in early Nov and planning my Armoured Workshops. I'm thinking of rigging up an engine hoist to lift the tanks from the floor to the bench and back, using a chain and frame rig not dissimilar to what they used to load the tanks into the holds of cargo ships.

1. Will the four lifting points on KT's and T1's hold the weight of the functional tanks?
2. Will the lifting shackles that come with it hold the weight?
3. Anyone know where i can get the right scale and strength hooks? I could use bigger hooks but i would like it to look like an authentic ship loading rig. Sad but true. I may even put a Seagull soundtrack on during the operation!!! :lol:

Many thanks in advance

Re: Scale Hooks

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:55 pm
by phil fitzpatrick
Hi Bob
That would make a nice vidio and look forward to the Sea Gull sound track
I dont think there is any problem with the Hull lifting points and the D shackles
check out the link below.
Plenty in hand for the steel D shackles.
Your Scale hooks,I dont know,you might have to make them,
hope someone can help you out

Re: Scale Hooks

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:23 pm
by Adrian Harris
I don't know about the KT but the Tiger lifting points are built into the hull sides, so probably the strongest part of the tank.

You will need a long and very strong stretcher bar though, to prevent the chains rubbing the paint off the front and rear plates.


Re: Scale Hooks

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:09 pm
by Bob Gould
Thank you, very handy site :)

I'll even put a ships horn in the background for you phil :lol: