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Turret Identification

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:56 am
by phil fitzpatrick
I came across a couple of interesting links for T34-85 Turret recognition
that may be of interest to T34 builders.
The first one has some good descriptions and little drawings
Its a bit contradictory or confusing :? with regards to the composite
castings where it refers to composite variants for types 1944,1945 and 1946
are shown in table 1.
But only one picture has a composite in the title,thats the one with the
verticle weld.
There are other pages with info and one with pictures of markings. ... cation.htm

The other one is ... /rpt34.htm.

If any of these links fail I googled "casting t34-85 turrets"to find them

Re: Turret Identification

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:30 am
by phil fitzpatrick
Mantlet Guards

A little question which I hope some one can answer.

The Duxford Museum Based T34 has a Mantlet guard to protect the
underside of the Mantlet as well as the top,and this is shaped and welded.
I havent seen any other photo's showing this guard present.

The Duxford T34 is a Polish Tank,would it be unique to that :?: