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No power to KT motors.

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:01 pm
by Paul Wills
Hello chaps,

I have got a problem with the King Tiger that I can't seem to track down, and I wondered if anyone else had had this problem :?:

Drove the KT a few meters in the garage and it just stopped, there is power from the batteries, and the receiver is working. I cannot trace any power to the motors but both cards have there lights on :!:

Any help on how to trace the problem would be appreciated.


Re: No power to KT motors.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:42 pm
by Paul Wills
Thanks Richie,

I am starting to think you may be right, worst thing is, it may have Kyboshed the sale.


Re: No power to KT motors.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:43 am
by Paul Morris

Is your motion pack from the very first batch? I guess it may be as yours was the first I know of to be completed :D there was a glitch in the very first batch something coming loose on one of the boards could not tell you what it is though but there was a thread on the forum about it and it was a simple fix by Mark as I remember.
Don't know if Dave had a double problem but when his speed controller went in my van there was smoke! quite a bit of it :shock:.
Have you tried to ring Armortek? one good thing at least all the electrics are from the makers with the correct back up :!: I am sure they will be able to help you out.
Cheers Paul

Re: No power to KT motors.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:38 pm
by Derek Attree
Hi Paul
I had a problem with one of the first batch of speed controlers in my Stug and it was changed by Gill.
The soldering on the power spades in the PCB were bad and the spades came out of the board when I pluged in some of the leads.
There was also a program glitch that made the tank jump forward when the power was switched on .

The new unit has been fine.
I would talk to Gill do not fiddle... :shock:


Re: No power to KT motors.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:44 pm
by Paul Wills
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your input, I will contact Gill sometime this week.


Re: No power to KT motors.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:27 pm
by Paul Wills
Hi Guys,

King Tiger is back up and running again. Mark thinks it was something to do with the delay switch for the receiver. Anyway it's fixed, and it ran like a dream on Sunday 8) :D . I enjoyed it so much I don't think I will be putting it up for sale again for a wile.
