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Product and order update 6/7/11

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:27 pm
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Guys

Here is a update on my work as of today, I feel it necessary to publish these pictures and progress on orders to set all customers minds at rest with the delay I have on filling certain orders.

This only covers the major parts I am producing to fill orders at the moment, there are many other parts being produced, but to many to list here. If you have any concerns about your order please e-mail me. Rest assured I am working full time to complete all current orders.

Overall shot of parts in production, periscope prisms shown later in this post.


Panther and Jagdpanther Sets
These 6 sets are complete with the exception on the cleaning rod tubes on the left which will be completed by the end of this week and will ship very shortly.


Panther, Jagdpanther and Bergepanther Sets
All tools and accessories made for 6 sets, less a couple of track tow ropes, ran out of cable, new roll arriving this week. These parts are waiting on the tool racks and brackets from the photo-etch company and will be in stock in the next few days. It is likely to be a month or so before these sets are ready to ship.


Tiger and Panther Cupolas, Tiger 1 Hatches and Goliath Trailer. All Cupolas parts are cast, just have to be assembled or packed as kits. Tiger 1 hatch parts are all cast, again requiring assembly or packing as kits.
Goliath trailer parts cast for 7 complete trailers, unfortunately I have a problem with the wheel mold and have to make a new one. I have enough sets to fill current orders. I just have to finish the assembly instructions that I am currently working on in the evenings.


Type 2 prisms for the Tiger 1, 2 and Panther Cupolas and Late Tiger 1 and 2 Loaders Periscope. 140 cast over the last week. However I can not cut these to size until the clear resin is fully cured. I mixed them up over the last few days so I do not know which ones are ready to cut so I have to wait another 3 days to be sure they are all cured correctly before I start cutting them. Should ship sometime next week.


Type 1 Prisms for the Tiger 1, 2 and Panther Periscopes. 64 cast, same problem as above, will be ready for shipping next week.


Other products that are behind in production are the Tiger 1 stowage bins, some of the Tiger 2 over grills and the Kubelwagen Cold Start Set. The Tiger bins will start next week, Tiger 2 over grills I am making a set every two to three days. The Cold Start has to be almost completely redesigned as the 1:35 scale model kit I based it on is way off in detail. This is going to take sometime to complete as I have to remake new masters for most parts.

Please be assured if you have a order with me it is being worked on, customer service is one of my top priorities and I answer all e-mails in a timely manner.
