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Pixie Suits

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:54 pm
by Adrian Harris
Whilst on holiday, I've been reading "Troop Leader" by Bill Bellamy, which recounts his experiences as a Cromwell troop leader during the Normandy campaign, right through to the fall of Berlin.

For those interested, the ISBN is 978-0-7509-4534-9.

One small section was relavent for those who have yet to secure pixie suits for their Comet crews.

He had been sent to investigate whether an 88, which had already destroyed two Cromwells, had been eliminated:

"As I drove next to the two knocked out Cromwells, I saw Mike's body lying by the side of the road, together with the body of one of his crew. It was a lesson to me, as he was wearing one of the new tank suits with which we had been issued. They were made out of a semi-waterproof material, but were a yellowish creamy colour and there was no way that the wearer could have taken cover without being easily visible. It was something which I had not thought of before, and I resolved not to wear mine in future"

So if you can't find a pixie suit, even with the upcoming re-release of Terry "Wayne" Davies with the plain suit, just stick your crew in standard battle dress :D


Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:21 pm
by Pete Mallett
Not a bad book that and yes that is an interesting passage, especially for those nay-sayers who try to tell you that the Pixie suit wasn't worn in Normandy and that Brian L. Davis got the dates wrong in his book on British Army Uniforms re the dates of manufacture for Denim and Pixie suits, see here... ... sion-piece