FINALLY I got the etching machine going again and this time I figured out how to keep the etching solution hot throughout the afternoon session - my old camp stove. This really made things go faster than before.
I've been working with Adrian Harris and his 'spot on' design of the Tiger 1 wheel lock washers for a few months and here are the results:
I used 7BA nuts on the next 2 pictures
I used 6BA nuts on this one.
There is just enough to bend up on these lock tabs to look correct as in this example:
I think the 7BA nuts look closer to the real thing. See my Tiger 1 thread where we discuss scale road wheel bolt sizes.
Here is the King Tiger rear cover boss with my new lock washer I mentioned in my Tiger 1 lock washer thread:
Here is another example of these washers:
This is more of a concept and not true to scale. The boss is not correct but I made some recesses to handle the washers and I'll call it good.
I've got 4 sets of the King Tiger washer sets ready now for those who emailed me long ago if you are still interested and each set now includes 2 of the new cone bolt washers with tabs:
King Tiger lock washer sets are still $25 with the new washers.
The Early and Mid Tiger 1 road wheel lock washer sets will be $45 and include 48 road wheel lock washers and 2 front sprocket round washers. These should fit all Armortek Early and Mid Tiger 1 tanks.
**The T1 front hub star washers come with the kit.
The VERY Early Tiger 1 (like Roland Mann is building) road wheel lock washer sets will be $50 and include 48 road wheel lock washers and 12 front sprocket round washers.
All set prices include US domestic postage. International postage will need to be calculated.
I'll be making these sets over the next 2 weekends so let me know who's in. I'm also working on King Tiger working front hatch locks and upgrade parts to detail the rear Armortek KT mud guards.