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6th Scale Icons workshop move postponed for six months

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:38 pm
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Guys

In a effort to better serve my customers I am postponing my workshop move from Las Vegas to California for another six months. I have to many projects to complete and feel that making the move by April 1st, 2011 is not practical.

My aim prior to moving is to complete the following.

1. Goliath trailer
2. Kubelwagen Tiger and Panther cold starters.
3. Pz II project, this is only a maybe as little interest has been shown to date in these new parts.
4. Series of German tank and AFV jacks. See post about Tank Jacks.
5. Panther IR Scope.
6. Plus a couple of other projects which I will not disclose at this time.

I feel that by September 2011, I can complete all the above products, plus maintain production of current parts to fill orders in a timely manner. At the moment I am still behind in some current orders, another reason for not making the move at this time. These back orders are currently being worked on and should be completed by mid March.

If anyone has concerns about current orders please e-mail me for a update. Be assured your orders are in process.

Please see my post on product updates for information about low and out of stock items if you are planning on placing a order in the next few weeks.

Mike Stannard
6th Scale Icons Inc.