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88mm Ammunition Wicker Container

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:35 am
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Guys

Masters for the 88mm ammunition wicker container are finish. Molds will be made in the next few days, casting of parts will start shortly. These are now available for order and delivery will start in about three weeks.

I have only 70 sets of brass hardware for the containers in stock as these were etched with my PZIII parts. If the demand for these is high I may need to make up new artwork for the hardware to cover the demand. This can take several weeks. The first 70 containers will be sold on a first paid basis. Thereafter items will be placed on back order until I get new hardware etched.

I am only selling this in kit form as it the container requires painting before the hardware and strap are fitted.

There are three ways to buy the container, as a container only. Or with 88mm ammunition rounds and decals at a slight overall discount while stocks of rounds are available, it is unlikely these will be produced again. The 88mm rounds are only offered with the container with copper cases, if you want brass cases you can order them separately from my catalog or spray paint the copper cases brass.

88-WC01K 88mm 3 Round Wicker Container $35.00
88-WC02K 88mm 3 Round Wicker Container. Plus 3 AP Rounds (Metal/Resin) and Decals $60.00
88-WC03K 88mm 3 Round Wicker Container. Plus 3 HE Rounds (All Metal) and Decals $100.00

Picture of resin mold masters with hardware. Note the hardware is not fixed with rivets in the picture. Once I have resin castings made I will post pictures of the final production container. Also showing samples of brass, steel and copper round cases. Steel cases are sold out.

Picture of kit as you will receive it. Kit consists of three resin castings, back, sides and base. one casting, front and top. Four pieces of brass photo-etched hardware, soldering or gluing required. Length of 3/16 cloth tape for strap. Three round retaining rings for inside the lid and eight miniature rivets for fitting hardware. You will notice I have used fine grain oak to make the wood parts of the container, the rubber mold will copy the grain detail of this wood and will be reproduced in the resin castings.

Wicker container with HE and AP rounds.

6th scale wicker container with real one for comparison.

Detail of top and front. The locking lever for the strap works and will hold the lid tightly in place.

Back of container.

Open container with rounds inside.

Please e-mail orders.
