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Nord WestKampfgruppe meet -24th Oct

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:57 pm
by duncanallender
Hi Fellas,
Does anyone wanna meet this Sunday 24th Oct. Paul M. you mentioned 'Hest Bank', I have found out where it is but know little of it. Is it a Park or a beach area? Anyway if anyone wants to meet that would be great.
If not what about 7th Nov, somewhere.I'll keep it free in case.
Also, it's getting near Chrimbo,what about a lunch in a pub somewhere up Kendal way, so people can all get home.(I'll get me Julie to pop up and pick me up,she'll be well chuffed).
That's it for now, hope to hear from you .
Paul M. -is this Jagdpanther all built or what? Look forward to seeing a lovely paint job.
Cheers Dunc

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:39 pm
by Richie Wignall
Hi Dunc

Hope your keeping well mate, here is a link on page 8, we went their once, DOG MINES :roll: nice place though 8) look out for Clive's face :lol: :lol: ... &start=105

Richie :wink:


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:58 pm
by Roy Pickavance
Hi Dunc,
You can count Taylor and me in.
When and what time.
Regards Roy

Meet this Sunday 24th

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:05 am
by duncanallender
Hi Roy,
Thanks for the reply,Yes lets meet at Hest Bank. Ta Richie for link.Roy it looks like a grass bank/sea wall behind beach.Hest Bank is just down from Bolton-le-sands.
I am going to pick up some of Ant's stuff from store at Leighton first, so shall we meet at 11-11.30am.
If you pm me your mobile no, so if any problems.I don't knoe forecast , but fingers crossed.
Are you able to come Paul M?
I suppose there will be some sort of car park there, so just look out for each other.Never been before.
Cherrs Dunc
Also could someone pm or email me combination of padlock at Leighton,think I know it but not sure.Roy my mob is 07906296835

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:53 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi Dunc.

Yes I should be able to get down there to see you mate weather permitting at least, be sure to get wrapped up it was a cold day last time we all went but then again it is right by the sea so expected really with our climate :lol: Parking is no problem at all just on the grassy bank and yes there are land mines but unless we find some private land like a garden it comes with the territory :lol:
See you Sunday Paul :wink: