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1/6th Scale Speeds

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:20 pm
by Antony Rowley
Something I've been meaning to ask for a while :idea: . 1/6th scale speeds. Correct me if I'm wrong :oops: is the following calculation correct or am I missing something:

Panther Tank top speed of 55 km/h in 1/6th scale:

1 divided by 6 times 55 = 9.16 km/h
9.16 x 1000 divided by 60 = 152 metres per minute
152 divided by 60 = 2.54 metres per second

Therefore if the above is correct when our sticks are fully forward our Panther tanks should be travelling at 2.54 metres per second. Is this correct :?:

Thanks Antony

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:25 pm
by Mick Regan
Hi Anthony

You have got the correct final scale speed of 2.5 metres per second, although your second calculation is incorrect. It would be 152 metres per MINUTE. :oops:

I am wondering why you are asking :?: Does the result suprise you. I'll think you'll find most of our tanks are more than capable of exceedeing their scale top speed. I have 2 settings stored on my transmitter, 1 with the throttle stick end points set to the max at 140% for moving my tank around, and a second set to 80% for dislpaying for a more realistic speed and better control. :D


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:40 pm
by Paul Wills
Hi Guys,

I know why he is asking Mick, he is wondering if he can keep up with one :shock: :lol: :lol: :P Sorry Ant, just couldn't resist :oops:

I never run mine at more than 60% throttle, mainly because it makes the battery last longer, but I also noted on the forum that others who would made fast turns would often report broken track links. My tiger is 5 years old now and I have only broken two track links 8) Yer Jinx I know, wait for next weekends meet :shock: :(
