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Easy to make Starter Handle Cover - Blue Peter version

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:10 pm
by Sarah Frazer
Hi Guys,

In true Blue Peter fashion.... :lol:

If anyone wants to make the Armoured Cover for where the Starter Handle fits and you don't have a lathe, read on.

A TO3 cased transistor (i.e. 2N3055 etc.), or voltage regulator, is nearly the same dimensions as a 1/6 scale Armoured Cover for the Starter Handle. As you can see in the comparison of the two below, with a drawing.


If you were to trim the top of the Transistor a little in height and apply some filler to make a chamfer around the edge, it should look quite good. Then slot one of the holes and hey presto one armoured cover.



Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:48 pm
by Nick Farrugia
hi sarah
very good i like that :) :) it looks better as it is ,than the one i made
what shall i do :? :?
best wishes