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General Update from Armortek

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:49 pm
by Armortek
Mid Tiger 1 (2010)

We have been extremely busy packing these kits and the first couple will be going out tomorrow, we will continue packing over the Easter weekend with deliveries continuing next week. I will be writing to everyone with regards to final payments over the course of the next few weeks.

Comet A34

The prototype is now complete (except for a few Armorpax parts) and Mark has given it a test run around the factory. It ran extemely well however he thought that the springing was a little too soft so he has stipped it down, put in new firmer springs, and it is now running extemely well, with particulary impressive performance over obstacles. We will get some video footage soon for you all to see. A second prototype is now being built to show the suspension system and other parts which are hidden when the assembly is complete. Both will be on show at the show in the middle of April:


As a result of all the Tiger Packing I have got behind with my e-mails and apologize to anyone who is waiting for a reply, I will get back to you as soon as I can and I am very sorry for the inconvennice.

We wish everyone a good holiday weekend.

Gill and Mark

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:31 am
by Adrian Harris
You have been busy beavers :D :D

How about a Comet with 5mm acrylic sides - still functional but with visible suspension :?:
