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Panzer IV Stug help please

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:00 pm
by Richie Wignall
Hi Guys

I'm looking for some information or pictures on a Panzer IV Stug top mounted MG. Any pictures of crew operating this would be great. Also, my Stug has two antenna bases, but missing the areals, so any pictures on these would also be appreciated, then I will know what Im missing.

See pictures below







Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:39 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi Richie.
Won't Dave be able to help you, as he built and detailed the Stug?
If you need aerials I can help you out there as I have a few to make and a couple more will not hurt.
Cheers Paul. :wink:

Paul's Tank Workshop. 01524 720977

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:15 pm
by Kent Wiik
Hi Richie,

The MG was controlled from inside the Stug.
Only in need for attention from outside when filled with new ammunition.

The standard antenna mount seen on your Stug was made of rubber to allow the antenna to bend and a pin to attach the antenna to.

In your case the two antennas was 2 meter long and that is a 2 meter seen in my photo above.
Please notice the antenna was thinner at the top that at the base.
No aftermarket antennas is made that way sadly :(


Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:33 pm
by Dave Dibb (Armorpax)
Kent beat me to it and as he points out the MG was remotely operated.

I prefer my assualt guns without aerials as its much easier to cam up and lay in ambush without 2m of give away on each side :wink:



Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:41 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi Kent and Dave.
Thats really interesting about the antennas not too sure how you would go about making a tapered aerial in our scale though but I am sure someone will have a solution :D .
Kent great picture of the operation of the M.G. I knew they were not manned outside the tank but did not know how it worked from the inside.
Cheers Paul :wink:

Paul's Tank Workshop. 01524 720977

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:17 pm
by Dave Dibb (Armorpax)
The pics Richie has posted don,t show the front of the mount but there is a miniature periscope between the shields and elevation rods. The MG trigger is operated by a bowden cable and an arrangement similar to brakes on a pushbike. The brake style handle was mounted on one of the grips.

Kent has already pointed out the only draw back of the mount in that the loader still had to leave the safety of the tank interior to change the drum

If anyone can come up with proper tapered aerials it will be great as brass wire just doesn't look right.



Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:40 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi Dave.
That would look good servo operated with a flashing M.G. barrel then wouldn't it, I think thats what I would do.
Don't know about the tapered wire I have plenty of tapered fishing line but don't think that would be any good lol.
Cheers Paul. :wink:

Paul's Tank Workshop. 01524 720977

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:53 pm
by Richie Wignall
Hi Guys

Thanks for the help, many thanks.

Now i need 2 antennas :?

the mg does flash and move when mg is selected on the sound unit 8) very good , runs on a little mixing board, so it wiggle and waggles around on firing, will take a video of it when i finnish working on it. 8) this was allready done when i got it 8) .

Richie :wink: (wiggytronics)

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:00 pm
by Paul Morris
Hello Richie.
Not seen it for quite a while I did not know you had done that already well done...already offered you the aerials up to you.
Cheers Paul. :wink:

Paul's Tank Workshop. 01524 720977

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:01 pm
by Richie Wignall
Hi Paul
Any way of makeing them thinner at the top, same as Kents pics?

also do you use a tube or bar? just haveing a think :oops: :?

Richie (wiggytronics) 01772 460902

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:24 pm
by Paul Morris
They are made up of brass wire I think any sort of bar would be a little on the heavy side :roll: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:04 pm
by Richie Wignall
Hi Paul
But can they be made thinner at the top like Kents pics? :?

Richie (wiggytronics) :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:13 pm
by Paul Morris
Not any easy way I know of as Kent has already said above this is probably why they are done as they are....just guessing though don't take it as gospel.