A couple of ideas for the future

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Steven Ford
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A couple of ideas for the future

Post by Steven Ford »

Is anyone going to challenge my suggestion that Armortek is unequalled for the range and quality of its products? Thought not!

Is there anyone out there who wouldn't want a complete set of WW2 heavies cruising around their yard or garden? The heavier, more detailed and generally overwhelming the better - right?

Is there a segment of the market that we are not addressing?

How about the person of limited means or the hesitant beginner? How about the enthusiast who does not want their KT-lifter's hernia to get any larger? Do we need to have some modest, yet interesting and manageable, yet affordable option?

I propose a Bren carrier - any thoughts?

The 88 is something I have my eye on for the future - if it is offered again. The other famous WW2 artillery combination is the Morris Quad, limber and 25pounder - a natty three piece on wheels. Staggeringly ugly of course but characterful nonetheless.

What about a Long Tom? Who wouldn't want a Long Tom? A High Speed Tractor too - what other prime movers were used for this gun? A Dragon Wagon perhaps - also staggeringly ugly.

Allan Webster
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Post by Allan Webster »

Allan Webster wrote:I'm always struck by how many people around would like to own an armortek model but can't afford it or can't deal with the size or weight. If it were possible to find a small, cheap model that would sell in larger numbers I think it would be good for the hobby and good for Armortek. Might an Armortek jeep do this?
Posted on June 6 on the thread dealing with future models.

Personally, I would love a universal carrier or a Morris Quad or, better still, both. I don't particularly wan't a jeep but a jeep might be a more popular option.

Steven Ford
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Post by Steven Ford »

Thanks Allan

I'll apologise in advance to anyone else who has already posted on the subject - it's wonderful that we've got such an enormous and active forum but keeping on top of all the posts would be a full time job.

Glad somebody else is thinking on the same lines too.


Derek Attree
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Post by Derek Attree »

I have been asking for a Bren carrier for years the problem is the lack of space for running gear in the very small hull.

we must stop making stupid predictions

David Pengelly
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Post by David Pengelly »

Morris Commercial Quad , loverly juberly .

Scammel Pie on Ear, just the unit would be enough , imagine all the ooo,s and aaar,s

Il go back in my corner now and dribble :P
Was die Hölle das war

Stewart Ashton
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Post by Stewart Ashton »

As I said a while back the Morris Quad would make a great build.


Especially if it was made as three separate kits :idea:

The quad
The limber
The gun


The price would be more affordable and it would mean that Morris fans would buy the quad. Artillery amo limber collectors would buy that and finally we all know that the gun would sell ?

And the must have nuts like most of us would buy all three separately or all in one swoop. Plenty of room for rc in the quad 8)

Regards Stewart

Definately worth consideration Mark and Gill :?:


Last edited by Stewart Ashton on Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Stewart Ashton
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Post by Stewart Ashton »

:) I still like the look of this.



Regards Stewart

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Steve Lewington
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Post by Steve Lewington »

Hi Guys
Some good ideas here but yet again I’m with you Stewart love the idea of a ferret used to drive one of them, and as for the quad that would make a great affordable model.
My what fun one could have with one of those :lol: .
Keep the threads coming lads they make a great read.
Hope to meet some of you at the open day.
Regards Steve
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There is only ......WAR.

SdKfz 7 Half Track, 88mm Flak 36, Panzer III, TIGER I Mid 2010, Panzer iv, Sdkfz251, Famo ,Chech Hedgehog x2
Ammo limber, 25 pounder, Baily Bridge.

Kent Wiik

Post by Kent Wiik »

Hi all

Sorry to disappoint all of you aiming for the next release being a British one but it want happened!

Why? Because they will not attract buyers outside UK or the former British empire!.
Sorry but that is the way it is.

The next one has to be a big seller as we all know about the shaky finance the world suffers from right now.
And a well known fact is that German design attracts more then any other.
As a majority of the Armortek owners now is outside UK (or at least the forum activity points in that way...) a UK vehicle want sell enough.

Just keep in mind another vendor made a Comet after loud promises from customer but today rumours says none (0, zero ) has been sold :shock:

My guess is an updated Panzer IV or a Panther.
Runner up is a Stug III (and that one would sell well) or a T34-85.

My wish (and I might get hung for it) is a FT17
The mother of revolvering turret with a small and back-friendly size...
And a "cute" tank that might attract the other ½ (female) world with a lot of potential newcomer into our hobby :D

Just my 10 cents.


Robert MacDonald
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Post by Robert MacDonald »

Hey Kent:

I'll not hang you for your suggestion I am all over the WWI stuff. The renault might be a bit small, but its a pretty cool tank. Might be more like one of those little cars that big tanks crush though.

I'm still keen on a mk4 or mk5.

Every time I go to the Imperial war museum I think that the 9.2in howitzer would look really cool in 1/6th.


Allan Webster
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Post by Allan Webster »

The next one has to be a big seller as we all know about the shaky finance the world suffers from right now.
Armortek exist to make a living so each model has to be a good seller. But I fail to see any direct connection with world finance. Are you saying that, if the world economy was healthier, it would be OK for Armortek to sell fewer tanks ?
And a well known fact is that German design attracts more then any other

It is not true that ALL German designs sell well. If it was why has the SdKfz 7 still not sold out yet?

Your comments about the Comet tank supplied by another firm are at a slightly better level of inaccuracy. I have seen the one of these that was sold on numerous occasions. Did I imagine this?

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Adrian Harris
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Post by Adrian Harris »

> Are you saying that, if the world economy was healthier,
> it would be OK for Armortek to sell fewer tanks ?

If people are worried about their jobs and future financial prospects, they're not likely for splash out £3K on a model tank.

> the one of these that was sold

And there you have it - what would Gill and Mark do with the remaining 49 from a production run of 50 ?


Kent Wiik

Post by Kent Wiik »

Allan Webster wrote: Armortek exist to make a living so each model has to be a good seller. But I fail to see any direct connection with world finance. Are you saying that, if the world economy was healthier, it would be OK for Armortek to sell fewer tanks ?

It is not true that ALL German designs sell well. If it was why has the SdKfz 7 still not sold out yet?

Your comments about the Comet tank supplied by another firm are at a slightly better level of inaccuracy. I have seen the one of these that was sold on numerous occasions. Did I imagine this?
In today’s uncertain world economy people think twice before spending £ enough to buy a better used car on a 1:6th rc tank.
Therefore it takes something special to make them take the step and the Tiger II was such and I think Gill and Mark has noticed that.

The problem with the SdKfz 7 is not the design but the lack of a gun.

Yes, there is at least one 1:6th Comet in UK as one can see on the other vendor site. Sold or not it is still far from the +50 a minimum Armortek batch use to be.


Allan Webster
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Post by Allan Webster »


Your earlier assertion that German designs always sell is simply not true. As you concede the SdKfz 7 is one example that did not, the SdKfz 222 is another.

What is true is that there are a small range of armoured AFVs that are likely to sell well and that all of these are models of WWII German tanks. It is misleading to use the statement that "all good sellers are models of German designs" to suggest that "all German designs would sell well".

If you knew full well that one Comet had been sold why did you claim that none had?

On the economics I am afraid that I shall have to concede to your greater expertise. I would still take the view that Armortek models need to sell well for the company's health whether or not the world economy is in recession. Would you recommend that Armortek make poorly selling models when the world economy is stronger?

I think that it is good that all members of this forum have the opportunity to put forward the case for the models that they would like to see. However, I think it would be better if we focused on advancing our own suggestions rather than attacking those of others.

Antony Rowley
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Post by Antony Rowley »

I don't think we'll hear what the next model is going to be for quite a while as Gill & Mark have the next batch of Panzer III's to produce on top of the next 50 Mid Tiger I's and all the motion packs too :shock: .

If you look at all the past models that Armortek have produced it only the 222 & SdKfz 7 that have not sold out. I think that tell's us that the next model WILL BE a tank or SPG. I don't think that the wheeled vehicles move over the ground as realistically as the fully tracked ones.

I agree that the financial climate effects every business so the next model HAS to be very attractive. Tough decision but as I've said Gill & Mark have time on their side to make sure they do make the right choice and sell more than one :wink: .

Thanks Antony
Nord-West KampfGruppe, 1/6th Hetzer, 1/6 Schwimmwagen, 3 x r/c 1/6th Kettenkrad, 1/6th Marder Ausf M, 1/6th Panzer II Static...the collection is growing again....

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