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Kingtiger late single-link track

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:51 pm
by olaf piekenbrink
Hello all,

now i have finished all my work on 3D-modelling and contacts with suppliers for my late tracks for Kingtiger made from investment-casting from steel . The price is known and I can offer now the following:

-Kingtiger-track-link, per item 9,64€ (left or right)
-Kingtiger track-set/110 per side for 2120€ incl. hard-brass pins.

I know that these price is not very pleasant but by the limited batch of 10 sets I have absolutely no financial benefit for my own. If I have sold these 10 sets I have covered all my outstanding costs. A further batch is not planned at the moment.

The links will come ready finished with cast-in hole which need eventualy final honing. The brass-pins are not headed, so both sides have to be machined or use clips.
Ask for 3D-pictures via email at

At the moment no sprocket-wheels available (I want to do measurements on the finished links first before i order the sprockets.)

with kind regards , Olaf