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Bovington PzKpfw III Ausf L

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:50 pm
by Stephen White
I've spent today photographing and measuring the Bovington Ausf L. Grateful thanks to the supurbly helpful Tank Museum staff and to David Fletcher, who took time off from filming a documentary.

Recalling earlier posts, I measured the spacing of the return rollers and as we thought, they are completely irregular on the Ausf L. On the left side from front to back, the distances between roller centres are: 120.8 cms and 100.5. On the right side, front to back 130.5 and 90.8. It seems that by the Ausf L, the designers had optimised the rollers to avoid track clash with the catwalks and to optimised the entry angle to the spockets.


The differing sizes of transmission hatch were comfirmed. The bigger left side (looking forwards) hatch is 70.0 cms wide and the right one 50.3 cms. Each has a grab handle, which may have been a local modification.


It struck me that those who like replicating the suface of German rolled steel might be disappointed by the Pz III - the surfaces of most of the armour are remarkably well finished and smooth. The only exceptions appeared to be the gun trunnions and the lower front hull plate.




The conical headed bolt is popular - the hull escape hatches are one example and the turret lifting eyes another.


I've remodelled the shape of the suspension arms and this photo confirms the circular section, the casting seam and the shape of the boss and end-plate which is secured with a hex bolt (photo is of the Tank Museum Ausf N):


The kit road wheels are quite flat in section and might benefit from some attention on the lathe:



The L60 gun barrel is not a simple taper in profile, it has a definite change in taper shown on these two photos, so again the kit casting might benefit from some lathe work. Best buy a lathe then......



The kit is superb and the opportunity to modify and improve it is half the fun. The other half is working out how to correct my mistakes. Having decided to reprofile the suspension arms, I have to remove the suspensions I've already installed. All that stands between me and success is the small matter of some Loctite 271. I've managed to get one grub screw out using heat but the others are putting up a struggle. Moral - don't use permanent Loctite on something you may have to remove....

All the best


Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:18 pm
by Kent Wiik
Nice photos Stephen!

Even I who don´t have the Panzer III kit enjoy them and find them highly interesting - Thanks!

And yes, rolled steel surface was smooth as well shown in your photos.
But not as smooth as the kit-plates and therefore (at least in my eyes) in need for attention.

Will you try to replicate that surface on your model?


Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:21 am
by Tim Bowman

As Kent says, although I do not have a PIII kit to build, this is great to follow. Very kind of you to take the time at Bovington to take such nice pictures and measurements for other builders. Good stuff!


Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:47 am
by Dale jordan
Thanks Stephen for the photos of the PZIII L .. This is real good !!! Just what I needed . Maybe Armortek should sell packs of 50 or 100 , 1/6 scale Conical headed , and coned head hex bolts . I would buy them maybe we should have a pole on the forum and see if enought of us would buy them ... I'm in !!! Dale ..

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:06 pm
by Stephen White

I've been literally doing some bolt counting and I reckon a Pz III Ausf L would need 86 cone headed bolts (plus three half diameter). (No jokes about rivet counters....)

As follows:

Cone Head Bolts:

• Mantlet – 4 off (hex shape)

• Steering Brake Cooling housings – 4 off on two = 8

• Side Escape Hatches – 8 off on two = 16

• Turret Side Hatches – 3 off

• Hull vision ports – 4 off on two = 8

• Pistol Ports – 1 off on two = 2

• Turret front lifting bracket – 2 off on two = 4

• Hull Rear Upper Plate – 11 off (plus 3 off half dia size)

• Hull Front Lower Plate – 5 off (3 right side and 2 left)

• Hull Side Plates -

o Left side – 14 off

o Right side 11 off

• TOTAL = 86

I've checked with Gill and she is sending me an example from the Tiger production run shown here: ... temId=2898

I gather she has more on order and was offering them as here: ... t=cone+hea

They are such a prominent feature of the vehicle that it would be a pity to miss them. The alternative would be to cast non-functional heads in resin.

All the best


Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:08 pm
by Stephen White
Sorry - I've just noticed I can't count - total should be 89 (two turret side hatches not one).


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:36 am
by Peter Smith
Hi Stephen,Just what i was looking for but couldn't find,great photos,thanks,
Peter :D

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:53 pm
by Dale jordan
Good counting Stephen..Thanks for doing that . Most of the bolts are Conical headed , not coned head hex bolts . Is this correct ?? . As armorteks tiger bolts are coned hex head . Armortek has not made any conical ones so far . Maybe Mark can make us all some ??? ... Dale

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:59 pm
by Stephen White
Dale - correct, there are four cone headed hex bolts, those on the forward face of the gun mantlet. All the rest are conical. Gill has sent me some samples, which I'll collect at the weekend. Regards. Stephen