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Posting photos
Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 10:43 am
by Andrew Gaze
G’day all, can someone please tell me how to post photos to the forum.
I have tried to attach some pics to a thread and get a “http Error” message.
Is there a maximum file size or format I need to use.
Re: Posting photos
Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 1:19 pm
by Adrian Harris
When you create a post, underneath the box into which you typoe the message, there is a tab saying "Upload attachment"
Click on that and use the Browse button to locate the picture on your PC.
One you have selected the picture you want, use the "Add the file" button to upload the picture to the forum. There is a "File comment" box where you can add a comment which is placed under the picture in the finished message.
Once it has uploaded there is a "Place Inline" button. Beware that the cursor can move as you upload the picture, so make sure the cursor is in the correct location when you click the "Place inline" button, or the link will end up in the middle of the text!
Re: Posting photos
Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 6:04 pm
by Andrew Gaze
Thanks Adrian,
For some reason I get a text box appear that says:
HTTP error.
It may be something to do with using my iPad.