Hi Derek
Your Stug III build is stunning and I follow it with huge interest.
The Stug III is one of my top 3 Panzers maybe so because that was the first German ww2 Panzer I saw while as a boy visiting Parola Finland in the early 1970-ties.
I bought my first big rc tanks "all made and running" many moons ago.
Had the good fortune to be able to have Peter Mealings T34-85, IMHO the finest rc tank in the world those days.
Today surpassed by a number of other as the hobby has developed.
But the worlds finest "big" rc tank then and still is Per Sonnerviks 1:8th KT.
That tank is my biggest inspiration and guideline.
Will be most pleased if I even come close to that one as I have the bug for build myself now days.
Nothing wrong with buying "all done" but being a rivet counter I rather build accurate myself then spend time correcting others mistakes...
And for me it is a perfect hobby combination with ww2 technical research and 1:6th build.
In fact more time is spent in research then tank build even if I build slow with my tiny tool park...