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Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 5:29 pm
by Fredrik Jorgensen
Are you assembeling the kit before etchprimering it!!!!
Or just for fit and check getting worried you will be doing a sloppy job
Ofc only joking but still wondering.
Superb as always.
Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:00 pm
by Kent Wiik
Hi Freddie
Maybe a sloppy job but I concentrate in making the parts accurate before assembling them.
And that’s included priming and sometimes paints Dunkelgelbe as well before assembling.
Looking at ww2 factory photos one notice that the parts was quite "all dressed up" with Dunkelgelbe before assembling and sometimes got their yellow color after assembled to the hull - I try to build (as much as possible) as the "real" guys did.
Right now my Panther is a pile of parts but soon (I hope) I will have an assembled hull so one can notice something reminding of a Panther somewhere there...
In other word - I have broken down my project into a number of smaller project.
And why I etch prime (and the "Kent" treatment") the big parts before assembling is because it is easier to work on a flat part doing the needed changes then on a fully assembled hull. Never seen it done before but someone has to be first
Right or wrong? Well, at least I have fun all the time.
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:12 pm
by Fredrik Jorgensen
Yeah i guess youre right.
I wish i had more working space at as my room is getting crowded.
Started to assemble my bits and pieces again.
Pain that i was so eager in getting it smacked together in the beginning.
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:02 pm
by Paul Wills
Hi Kent,
Superb job on the swinging arm stops
, it just goes to show that it can be done with just basic tools and a lot of patients.
Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:07 pm
by Kent Wiik
Hi all,
A posting just to say I have not left you even as my build is on a hold at the moment.
In fact all my spare time lately has been spent on 1:1 Panthers - yes, that’s a fact!
Early this summer I was able to help the Saumur museum identify their Panther Ausf G, in fact the first Panther I have ever been able to see live while visit Saumur 2 years ago and therefore has a special relationship with...
Family standing in front of the beauty (not as enthusiastic as me...)
She (the Panther) is an early Ausf G just like the one I am building.
Anyhow as other has failed, also the Saumur museum, I manage to identify this specific panther as #332 from the 112th panzer-brigade ... ar+vehicle
As a thanks for my effort I was said to receive some dvd:s with exclusive photos of the Panther as it now undergoes restoration.
This week I got them and WOW! 3000 high resolution photos of probably the best, un touch Ausf G in the world.
Those photos are a goldmine and will help me a lot with my own build.
Has already seen 5 things never seen before and I dare to say – no one spotted before!
And before asking me - No I want copy them and spread them to fellow builders as they are for private use only.
Here is an example of my new treasure – the in front bumper stop seen from above and here you can see the one made by Tim is spot on.
As a spin of effect I have now been asked to help identify the Wheathcroft Panther Ausf A.
This is a tricky one but as a rare Demag build (only 50 was made) we might have a chance.
This is what we have found out so far: ... 03&start=0
Time will tell if she is the one.
As you can see my interest is not only in building 1:6th but in research of the real thing so for some time on my kit has to suffer…
But boy is this fun!
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:38 am
by Per Sonnervik
Hi Kent,
Nice work and I hope Saumur rewards you with a ride on this Panther when Ãt´s finished.
About those undected details are they all outside details or? I guess I´ll have to wait building my own Panther until you´ve finished yours.
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:01 pm
by Tim Bowman
Excellent Kent!
Congratulations on the Saumur Panther ID work and the addition to your reference library. I'm with Per, I think a ride is in order.
Nice photo of the family too.
Kind regards
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:57 pm
by Kent Wiik
Hi all!
Just to show I am still here with you here come a new chapter in my Panther saga.
Today the 4 covers at the rear plate.
3 larger ones for the track tension and engine starter + a smaller one covering the external engine heating.
Both sizes have a similar look but not quite like the kit covers.
Here is a photo of the real thing.
And another showing its thickness 30mm.
Here is a comparison that shows the difference in design.
In fact another 10mm was added in the hole so a total of 40mm was achieved similar to the rear plate thickness.
The kit ones are only 4mm (24mm in 1:1) so another 1mm is needed.
The wide is ok but the height differs.
I think (and this is only me guessing) the kit ones design was taken straight from a Panther drawing not compensating the fact the rear plate has a 30 degree angle.
I found out that in this case it was better to make completely new ones then start customize the kit covers made out of steel.
I cut them out from a 5mm aluminium plate with a hobby saw and Mr Dremel.
Took a while but was well worth it
Gave them the “surface treatmentâ€
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:18 pm
by Steve Norris
Great detailing as usual.
I always find your build posts realy interesting when they comprise of period photos, detail shots of actual vehicles and before and after kit parts. Your research is outstanding and when finished you will have the finest 1/6 scale Panther ever.
Keep up the great work
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:16 am
by Tim Bowman
Couldn't have said it any better then Steve already has. Nice work Kent.
Kind regards
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:00 pm
by Fredrik Jorgensen
Kent, im stunned of your eye for the details.
And with the limited workshop tools (Mr.Dremel)you have im even more stunned by your results.
I know ofcourse you have some more than the dremel but i know thats the no1 you use
After the phone call we had i started to measure like wild
And all in all it looks good, some minor adjustments but its not the end of the world.
I hope that you soon will be satisfied and start to build more
, as your panther will be a sure of that. By the looks of your 1/8 the 1/6 will be a masterpiece!
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:28 am
by Kent Wiik
Thanks guys!
Seeing someone is reading my posting is what keeps me going.
For those of you Panther / Jagdpanther owners ripping your hair off discovering your covers is out of shape I have good news...
Mike will probably make them (I hope so or my to him mailed information was spare time not that well spend...
No honest I do only have Mr Dremel, ordinary hand tools and a bucket full of patience.
But I have a drilling machine to make bigger holes but that is a cheep Chinese made one not that very good.
You get what you pay for - sometime that is so and sometimes not...
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:03 pm
by Brian Leach
Often I don't get to log in on the web for months, but when I do the Panthers are where I go to be inspired.
Great work!
I got to see my first Armortek Panther a few weeks ago (Thnaks Bob Morey, really fantastic tank!)
I cannot wait until the Panther is offered again. I hope I can live up to the high standards you all have set. It is inspiring! Thank you.
Thanks for the posts. it makes my day!
Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:13 pm
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Kent
Your spare time is not wasted, the covers will be made in due time. Thanks for helping out with the dimensions and the offer to keep the real cupola prism. If there were people like you in the banking industry there would be few problems or screwed up economy. Money makes the world go round, greed kills it.
Kent has helped me many times in the past and never asked for anything in return. A true gentleman.
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:11 pm
by Kent Wiik
Hi all!
Today the cast armored exhaust guards.
When I many moons ago heard that the Armortek Panther was to bee an Ausf G I decided to make my own as an early G.
That’s because my keen interest in WW2 is the period spring 44 until winter 44-45 and mainly the “zimmerit periodâ€