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Re: Armortek Event: Tiger Day at the Bovington Tank Museum

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:13 pm
by Daniel Scholefield
Lots of attention despite the limited running area...

Re: Armortek Event: Tiger Day at the Bovington Tank Museum

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:26 pm
by Stephen White
Tiger Day VII, 29th Apr 17. Capacity crowds, cueing for entrance, lots of interest:
Running Area 1.jpg
Some veterans:
and some who just wanted to know how much:
Some had seen it all before:
Part 2 to come.... when we reveal all.


Re: Armortek Event: Tiger Day at the Bovington Tank Museum

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:53 pm
by Armortek
Looks like you all had a great day. Very sorry we could not be there, thanks to Stephen for organising.

Look forward to seeing you all at Tankfest!

Gill and Mark

Re: Armortek Event: Tiger Day at the Bovington Tank Museum

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:24 pm
by Chris Hall
It was indeed a great day .... much better organised (by Bovington !) than the debacle in February. The unloading and parking was smooth as silk this time.

The running area was small, but we made the most of it. By my count we had 18 models out: 3 King Tigers, 2 Panthers, 2 Jagdpanthers, 2 Pz.III's, a 251 Halftrack, a Cromwell, and the rest being Tiger 1's of various types. Massive thanks to Denny for bringing his 'pallet hill', which showed just what the tanks could do. And the crowds were constant and interested, asking lots of questions before the inevitable "how much do they cost ?" :D

Thanks, as ever, to Stephen for doing all the heavy admin. The rest of us just do our small bit to make it look good.

Onwards to Tankfest ! (with some other shows in between).

Re: Armortek Event: Tiger Day at the Bovington Tank Museum

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:13 pm
by Holger Beck
Denny seen and heard saying 'Bring my cake back you little so and so'

Re: Armortek Event: Tiger Day at the Bovington Tank Museum

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:43 pm
by Phil Woollard
Australian bovington ? :D

Re: Armortek Event: Tiger Day at the Bovington Tank Museum

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:05 pm
by Stephen White
Tiger Day Part 2

A modest running area but what it lacked in size was more than made up by the entertainment provided by Denny's knife edge, although no-one managed the "Denny Roll".
Running Area 3.jpg
Running Area 4.jpg
Running Area 6.jpg
Running Area 7.jpg
Running Area 5.jpg
Tiger Day wouldn't be complete without some pics of the new girl on the block:
and her friends:
A great day out. The Tank Museum staff were well organised and unfailingly helpful, the crowd were numerous and interested and it was great to catch up after the winter pause. I even had time to do some measuring....
Thanks to everyone for coming and thanks to those who took the time to reply to my requests. Now to focus on TankFest...

