I did say that negative comments were welcome so thank you for supplying some. It is regrettable however, that you haven't demonstrated it by examples which would I believe would be appropriate in this instance. In addition, you should also be aware that I look at several photo's not just one when making decisions regarding moving, scaling and detailing parts!
I believe that there are 4 categories of builders on this forum which are as follows:
CAT 1 - those that just build the model as is out of the box
CAT 2 - as per CAT 1 but add a little extra detail
CAT 3 - those that try to make the model more accurate and representative as they can carrying out extensive changes, modifying existing parts by correcting their scale and adding more detail where possible and making new parts when they are not supplied. They often use various references and calipers etc to establish size, position and detail.
CAT 4 - Throw away half the parts supplied and remake from scratch accurate and highly detailed parts correctly positioned. Also carrying out major structural mods to a far greater level of accuracy and detail.
For CAT 1 and to some degree, CAT 2 builders, the model supplied is an accurate representation of a Mk5. To CAT 3 and 4 builders, it is a good approximation of the model that requires significant (as a few have found out) finer tuning to make it more accurate and representative. For the money, its an excellent model but if greater accuracy and detail is required, that would come as an increased cost, perhaps double the existing price.
To demonstrate my approximation statement, look at the pictures below regarding the front mudguard support bracket and the the first skirting mounting point......
See how the support and the mounting point are combined. On the model however, its this......
Two separate parts! As a maintainer of many years experience on Chieftains, perhaps you can advise which is correctly positioned; the mounting point or the support bracket?
As already established, the Berlin pattern is a clearly well defined pattern with little room for adjustment if it is to be representative. That's why all Berlin Chieftains looked exactly the same. My problem is to try and fit a well defined pattern to an approximation of a model; a task that is fraught with danger as Youngjae found out and effectively demonstrated on his model. This isn't a criticism of Youngjae's build, far from it, he did the best he could with an out of the box build but quite clearly, it doesn't look right and the Berlin pattern will do that! The only way to beat this is to ensure everything is to scale and correctly positioned where possible, then adjust the pattern slightly to make it fit, further adjusting parts as required . That said, if you have a better way of doing it and can demonstrate it, then I'll certainly listen and judge its merits?
Still looking forward to seeing your build though; when are you going to start it?
Many thanks for the support and encouragement. Its good to know that others out there understand and appreciate the time and effort that goes into not only modifying and building this model, but also maintaining a blog for the benefit of others so thank you.