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Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:25 pm
by John Clarke
I'm going to turn the Chieftain hull round on the bench this weekend so I can make a start on the other side. But before I did, I took a couple of pictures of the waste hatch I made because it's not really shown on this build topic. Also a picture that shows the difficulty of trying to get your head round this model. Original above, model below.
It will please those who don't wish to build the waste hatch (can't see it with the Bazooka skirts on) and annoy those wanting an accurate Berlin Camo, (Fluffy Clouds of Nato green and Light stone for me). 8)
SAM_3578.JPG (130.97 KiB) Viewed 4518 times
SAM_3579.JPG (144.04 KiB) Viewed 4518 times

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:00 pm
by Richard Goodwin
Nice hatch John, some good work there! Mine must've got lost in the post somewhere??? :lol:

Your so right about the Berlin Camo; having spent the morning measuring up Muck's Mk10 in relation to stillbrew, box positions and sizes, no wonder I'm struggling to fit the scheme to the model....oh and don't get me started on the size of the electrical conduit from the dozer electrical outlet connection box :evil: BTW, if anyone is going near a real Chieftain soon, could they measure the diameter of the electrical outlet box for the dozer power please and let me know? Thanks

There is good news however, by positioning the front box correctly wrt the very front of the mudguard and extending the triangular box to its correct scale length, you'll be within 3 mm (1/6 scale) of the correct distance between the end of the triangular box and the front of the electrical outlet box if you move the electrical box to the position I said before, so not all bad news but I've yet to check if it affects the scheme so fingers crossed, it doesn't!!

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:27 pm
by John Clarke
Looking forward to the results of your experiments Richard. I have grappled with this conundrum for some time and an acceptable result without a serious cat 4 has eluded me. (Don't forget the latches)
So in the mean time I'll be working on the "Tee piece, flat split deck conversion" you completed many moons ago to boost the mojo.
Keep checking the mail box :|

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:26 pm
by Mark Heaps
I stand by to be corrected as I only fixed the tanks but never crewed them.
I believe there was a grab handle on the inner face of the waste disposal hatch to enable it to be closed again.

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:36 pm
by Stephen White
Richard Goodwin wrote:
Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:00 pm
BTW, if anyone is going near a real Chieftain soon, could they measure the diameter of the electrical outlet box for the dozer power please and let me know? Thanks
I feel I've answered this before but now can't find the thread. Search might find it. Best regards. Stephen

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:22 pm
by David Battson
Hi Richard,
Hope the attached helps. NB. the cover is non standard, but because it is flat rather than domed, it actually makes measuring the diameter easier. Just in case the compressed resolution is not good enough, I make the diameter = 260mm or 10 1/4"
Regards, David
PTO Cover  (non standard)
PTO Cover (non standard)

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:47 pm
by Stephen White
I was at the TM today with Kian and was able to measure it. The original diameter was 10 inches, which is born out on the drawings, albeit with a bit of extrapolation. That would make it 254mm or 42.3mm at one sixth. This is the original cover, minus some fasteners. Stephen


Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:12 pm
by Charles A Stewart
Lovely Photos chaps.
I knew there was something I missed.

And no I am not going to the numbers on the PTO :shock:

cheers Charles

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:54 pm
by Richard Goodwin
David / Stephen,

Many thanks for the pictures and measurements. I had measured the width of the conduit but not the outlet. Using that measurement against a photo, I calculated a diameter of 40mm which would give me the 3 mm I was missing. Time to get the cardboard out and see which one fits best :lol:


Letter king, crack on :lol:

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:30 am
by John Clarke
Hummm. Thanks for the details guys.
Do I need to dig out the model dozer cover and measure it?
Lettering a must Charles.
Don't forget to wipe the waste trap handle Mark.
TM, Stephen, Kian, a tape measure and a CVRT near by.
Spooky. :wink:

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:04 am
by Vince Cutajar
Just for fun.

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:32 pm
by John Clarke
Blow it up Vince and you have a nice wall decoration for the man cave :|

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 6:58 pm
by Mark Heaps
John Clarke wrote:
Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:30 am
Don't forget to wipe the waste trap handle Mark.
Why would you need to wipe it ? I seem to recall you never would or should directly touch it. On the inside of the the tank behind the hatch was a flexible tube ( rubberised canvas ? ) with a zipper. Undo the zip, fill the tube with the waste, close zip, undo locking lever & physical pressure on the tube opened the hatch and expelled the contents.
The tube should have been flexible enough to be able to grab the handle and close the hatch without having to undo the zip and reach your hand inside.
The purpose of the hatch was to enable the crew to dispose of waste when closed down under NBC conditions

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:11 pm
by Richard Goodwin
John Clarke wrote:
Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:30 am
Do I need to dig out the model dozer cover and measure it?

Consign it and the conduit to the scrap bin........welcome to the world of CAT 4 :twisted:

Re: 00 FD 96 John's Main Contender

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 10:50 pm
by John Clarke
Richard, flipping heck.

Mark, we're all wiping handles these days.

Did the bag go out as a whole or did it have to be cleaned and reused?, if so, who was the lucky lad who got that job?
Would it be straws or just part of the "loaders" job description?

Would bottles of apple juice (not actually apple juice) be ejected the same way like you'd find along the motorway?

And of course during the cold war, I'm sure if the crew had been out for a curry the night before going back on duty, buttoning down the hatches would surely have some hazardous repercussions. Unless the crew was made to sit relatively quiet in their NBC suits until the effects had worn off, probably doing an Iron man if things got bad.
(That German dark beer is murder on the indigestion) :lol: