Thanks for your coments it was tricky with all the angles on the turet and hull but it was well worth doing i think
it was a case of trying each template bracket and then making it and fitting and then on to the next, steve,s plans have been very helpfull but be carefull some of the sizes dont corespond with the model or viseversa i have come accross this problem before on models .As long as you are aware of it you can work around it or corect it ,i dont think that i could have done this without steve,s plans they have helped
me out no end and made things more clear .carnt wait for you to start yours so i can see howe it s done properly
NO PRESURE JOHN ,but i,m expecting great things from you ,after your tiger
all the best ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nick
that is great news
i dont know how you do it ,your knoledge of these tanks is amazing not to mention your eye for detail , thank you very mutch, you have made my day .The domed caps are here to stay
great picture as well, thank you for looking it up for me it is realy appreciated best wishes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nick