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Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 12:28 am
by Brian Ostlind
Glen, that bike looks fun. Here is my bimmer.

Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 8:13 pm
by Glen Clark
I'm way too old for a bike like that Brian.😁I do love them though.along with the V4 panagali.


Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:59 am
by Glen Clark
I've pretty much finished the turret but it will need a bit of fettling/detailing once the rest is completed.
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The paintwork just looks too vivid and I was wondering if I could mist a semi transparent grey or brown over the whole tank when I've finished painting it?My thinking is it would calm the paintwork down and give the tank a dirty/dusty kind of appearance.


Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 12:11 pm
by Adrian Harris
Lots of tips on washes etc in this recent thread:



Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 12:28 pm
by Glen Clark
Thank you Adrian.


Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:28 pm
by Vince Cutajar
Hi Glenn.
Good to see you back at it.


Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 4:19 pm
by Glen Clark
Thanks Vince,at the moment we've got lots of time to kill over here.Ive emailed Monique about potentially getting the new Stug111 but I'm running out of room for my toys.
I've acquired one of these.
I've acquired one of these.
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But it's only temporary untill I get one of these in September.So the Tiger has had to shuffle around a bit.
But it's only temporary untill I get one of these in September.So the Tiger has had to shuffle around a bit.
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I need to work out a practical place to put the Tiger if I go for the Stug.


Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:18 pm
by Glen Clark
I needed to turn the Tiger around to finish painting it so took the opportunity to take some pictures with my other German heavy metal.
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Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:40 pm
by Stephen White
Glen Clark wrote:
Wed May 06, 2020 11:59 am
I've pretty much finished the turret but it will need a bit of fettling/detailing once the rest is completed.IMG_20200506_29149.jpg

The paintwork just looks too vivid and I was wondering if I could mist a semi transparent grey or brown over the whole tank when I've finished painting it?My thinking is it would calm the paintwork down and give the tank a dirty/dusty kind of appearance.

Glenn, that's timely after I posted a piece on colour...... Sounds like a filter would be useful. What you're describing is desaturating the colousr, making them less of a pure hue and unifying them. Desaturation works on the principle that if you mix enough hues, you'll end up with grey. More particularly, when you mix complementary colours (ie colours on the opposite sides of the colour wheel, you'll also reduce the saturation. That's one purpose of a filter, to desaturate and unify colours.

You could certainly use a grey but that will tend to look, well, grey. You probably don't want that. The other way of desaturating it is to use a filter of the complementary colours, so for the brown, a warm colour, you might use a cold blue/red, for the green, a colder colour, you might use a warm red. This is where oils come in because they have two great properties, they can be easily removed or adjusted before they harden off after a day or so and you can vary how translucent they look. It's much easier to start with a thin oil filter, brush it on, see how it looks and put another layer on if you want to change the effect. You might like to have a look at the thread I posted a couple of days ago.

Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:05 pm
by Glen Clark
That's pretty deep for me Steven,but thank you for your input it points me towards where I need to go with it.What I might end up doing is temporarily leaving as is and set out building the Stug with mud and rust in the finish as I build it.I can always go back to the Tiger at a later date and see how I can change it.I feel I've gone too far in the pristine factory fresh look to go back at the moment.Ive seen your work and love how they look but I feel that I would goof if I tried to emulate that kind of finish.

I'm working on the idea that the Stug won't be a rush job and the final finish will be what I'm after rather than a big toy which is what the Tiger is at the moment.

The attempts I've made at detailing made me realise what a big job it is and you really need to start as you intend to go on.

The Tiger can be fetched back to bare metal and repainted,I'll just go for a end result at the moment and go from there.

Regards Glen.

Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:24 pm
by Adrian Harris
If you look at Marco's thread "Visual makeover for 'Gunther'" in the Panther section, he took a freshly painted Panther in a very similar colour scheme and toned it down with washes etc. I think the end result is a very nice used' tank look.


Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:39 am
by Marco Peter
Adrian Harris wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:24 pm
If you look at Marco's thread "Visual makeover for 'Gunther'" in the Panther section, he took a freshly painted Panther in a very similar colour scheme and toned it down with washes etc. I think the end result is a very nice used' tank look.
Thanks for the compliments, and really, the way I do it, running and gunning, takes no time and effort. You see I just apply large quantities with a large brush, and whipe it off. :mrgreen:


Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:47 pm
by Glen Clark
Thank you Adrian and Marco.I did read through you whole post Marco when Adrian recommend it in an earlier post.I love what you did and I am still thinking about trying the same.I could leave my tank as is for the moment then perhaps do something with it later to tone down my Camoflage.I really need to finish what I've got then decide how to proceed.Ill let you know as and when.

Regards Glen.

Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:59 pm
by Marco Peter
Don't forget to put a layer of varnish first.

Try it on a separate piece first - you can always respray later if really needed, but I don't think it will come that far. :wink:

Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:38 pm
by Glen Clark
I haven't posted for a while so I thought I'd just add a little update.Ive been preparing the Tigers rear for th last last bit of my camoflage.Fitting all the fiddly little brackets is quite awkward once all the option packs and smoke system is fitted.
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Once painted I'll need to detail and prepare the tools,ropes ECT for fitting.I left the main tow ropes outside to allow some natural weathering but it hasn't worked,it given the a Galvanised look about them.

Iv got a Stug111 on order and I've also got the option packs on order which I've arranged to collect all together.

Im glad in a way the the New kit anouncment wasn't a Panther because I'm sure resistance would be futile and I would find myself making room for a 4th kit,including my Pak 43.

I've been reading the Stug builds with interest and almost can't wait to start building mine.Ive decided Ill detail and weather the Stug as I build it so yet again I need to brush up on some weathering skills.Looks like I'll be spending some time reading and watching YouTube then.

Regards Glen.