Whilst waiting for the replacement capacitor to arrive, the exhaust box has taken a back seat for awhile and I've turned my attentions to the engine vents on the rear deck. Tricky little buggers these so you will need a method to assemble otherwise, you'll be there for days trying just to put them together! This is the way I did it.......just concentrating on the first 3 grills to explain..
Despite being a pain, these are really nice....hard to see how else they could've been manufactured to ease that pain to be honest..
The first things to do are to square all the edges and frames up, ensure that all the slots are open and check and if necessary adjust for the fitment of any centre supports...
Now when I started to assemble the first one, I found that the slats didn't sit level with the top of the sides since the slots in the central support were not deep enough to allow it. To get around this, I marked up my vice jaws with masking tape and the length of the slat, suitably marking the centre point. Next I taped the whole set of slats together and then using the markings on the vice, proceeded to cut a groove in them...
You don't have to cut a groove in all the grills so just check first before you do!
With the groove cut, it was time to start assembly. I applied masking tape to the sides to help retain the slats in position once inserted. If you don't do this, be prepared for some real fun and games with copious amounts of verbal cursing
Once you get the two end slats in, the rest will go in easily. Now I haven't yet added any side brackets and there is a reason for this; I want to ensure that all parts of these vents are coated with etch primer before assembly since all parts are made of steel! So at this point, you may want to check clearance of any slat that is going down onto a screw head; if it does, you'll need to file a notch in that slat so it will sit down flat!
They look good assembled and even better, with the brass mesh over the top....note, if you don't have the slats fully home ie some are protruding above the sides, that nice brass mesh won't sit flat!
Didn't take long to do the others either...
Now as I said earlier, I want to ensure all parts are covered in etch primer. Since these parts are all steel, then they will rust if you don't. Mine have started to rust whilst in the packet so the complete assembly was immersed in vinegar for a few hours. This allows the vinegar to get to all parts and all surfaces easily.
I followed a similar process as used for the tracks but this time, no hot air gun, only kitchen towel but you have to be quick or they will rust before your eyes! When degreasing them, I took them out of the degreaser, scrubed each part with a grey scotchpad then rewashed in degreaser before quickly drying with kitchen towel. Then etch primed within 15 minutes; in small batches is best!
When the etch primer is nicely dry, you can assemble the parts including any mounting brackets; again the use of masking tape is highly recommended; leave it in place until after fixing in position! So once assembled, the next step is to glue them in place. I placed two strips of masking tape across the top to hold the grills down after checking they we all fully engaged and level with the top of the frame....
then flipped on one edge and proceeded to dribble a blob of Loctite down each slat. After two minutes, remove the tape on that side. Once dry, do the other side and again remove the side tape after two minutes! Once fully dry, remove the tape on the top and check the centre support is central and straight then again flip on its side and glue that as well along each slat and the ends as well.
Just when you may have thought you'd finished..........you now have to file flat the edges of the frame so that they will sit together and that the two end vents can open without catching its next door neighbour!
Btw, thats not rust, its just the camera angle and the amount of available light
The router is now up and running again and I've been working on the exhaust box vent amongst other things but more on that in the coming days.