Hi Tim, Paul and John
Thanks for your kind comments, coming from all of you #1 skilled builder mean a lot for me, thanks.
Let’s continue my "pile of metal"
Today something others has done before me and due to their posting here inspired me to do them myself as well, the forum as its best.
The torsion bars access caps (the "Kentish" way
This is how the real thing looked like:
Please note the curved edges and the gentle edge bend, this is something the otherwise so good book “Panzer Tracts No.5-3” don’t show.
Also note that there was a sealing/gasket (don’t know the English word for this item
) made of rubber, to make the hull water proof.
There was a countersinking in the hull round the hole to hold the sealing in place as can be seen here in the photo from Sven Strobbe (thanks Sven) on the Celles Ausf G hull.
Those caps were cast so a cast steel surface they had to have.
Proof of that they was cast can be seen here in this photo of the inner side of a real cap:
The cast item numbers are visible.
I made the caps from 2mm aluminium, just cut them out with Mr Dremel.
Glue paper templates on the aluminium plate first.
Here is a drawing for them who want to make their own caps.
Just print it out and scale down in a Xerox.
For them who wish I can mail a pdf of the A4 full with 1:6th templates I used.
The screws are M2,5 countersunk slotted screws.
And the gasket I made from 0,4mm plasticard, made them as disc with radius 13,5mm and painted them black.
This is how they turned up in the end compared to a real one.
So happy how they turned out in the end and as I finish them just before last Christmas I put 2 of them in the X-mas tree for my own joy and the rest of my family’s despair…
Maybe overkill to have all 16 of them as they want hardly is seen behind all those wheels (except for the ones in front) but the feeling of having them there makes it worth the effort…I think…
As always thanks for looking