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Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 8:52 am
by Björn Johansson
Not to much to write about from here.
Cleaning alu parts, try to prepare for paint.
And try to get a hang off this suspension thing ,but I got stuck .
So I have a newbie question

, How would you set the CL0205 to CL 0204??
Left is tighten to the bottom the grub comes on the down side, Right one I guess could work but still a bit low
Or the middle one

Or doesn´t matter?
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 10:49 am
by michael hilton
Good morning Bjorn, With my StuG build I fully tightened CL0205 to CL0204, and then drilled through for the pin. If you choose this route you will find it difficult to reach the internal grub screws on CL0205...should they become loose, they will be underneath CL0205.
There was a time however, when I noticed my suspension was low at the front end. and needed to be reset. I was unable to reach the grub screws and therefore had to remove the complete internal assembly. By this I mean internal fittings motion/drive motors etc,. It took most of a day to disassemble, reset the suspension angle and then reinstall. I suppose looking back I would have set CL0205 so that the grubs where on top. Having said that it will be your choice, just make sure the grub screws are tight. Either way works....Mick
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 11:43 am
by Adrian Harris
I would have thought that if you don't tighten CL0205 to CL0204 then the alignment will be out slightly.
Unless I've missed something, when adjusting the suspension, you should only need to loosen the fixed end screws and rotate the whole torsion bar assembly, so no need to access the grub screws. Unless they're loose of course.
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 2:43 pm
by Björn Johansson
Ok thank you guy´s ,then I can continue

Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 4:32 pm
by Björn Johansson
Some small update from the 57 th ,
Did some small adjust to the track tension so it line up properly.
Think I will try to put on a gaiter , off some kind.
Also got all suspension arms done and dry test for movement/etc .
Otherwise most cleaning alu parts fitting bearings etc
Started with a vital detail for a Stug , no 3D print here wish I could. Only the hard analog way
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 3:50 pm
by Björn Johansson
Got some time to do some small work today.
Aint gone use the drill
Not sure off the bolts yet
A bit rusty after 7 years, absence must say.
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 6:17 pm
by Roy Beukeveld
Great work on the hatch there! And with the scopes in place it looks great!
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 7:55 pm
by Robert Tanzer
It does not appear that you are rusty Björn.
Nice work you made.
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 4:08 pm
by Björn Johansson
So a little update from 57th Stug.
Been awhile and mostly done the same as everybody else when it comes to Wheel,Tracks etc. Have the all welding left to do etc, not sure how
much I will go about the detail there.
Did a dry fit test just to see how it was lined up , did ok , with some small spacers between the road wheels. to save the track teeth hopefully
Got all the hinges in place
Also done new hatches for the loader and got the gun optic in place ,and did some small adjust to its cover plate. More to come
Some small job on the smoke launchers , not sure I use them though
Done som adjust to those lifting hooks on the front armor
Did get some great items from Armorpax and Lawson
So until next time, take care out there
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:11 pm
by Robert Tanzer
Nice update Björn.
Lot of eyecandy here.
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 1:43 pm
by Björn Johansson
Thank`s Robert yes they will come handy
Finaly some small work done, to Loader hatch
Gunner "hatch" small adjustment and one detail left
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 7:05 pm
by yves mouton
Hello Bjorn,
Very nice job on the stug
Best regards Yves
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 4:45 pm
by Björn Johansson
yves mouton wrote: ↑Sun Jul 11, 2021 7:05 pm
Hello Bjorn,
Very nice job on the stug
Best regards Yves
Thank Yves
I have some great inspiration here from you and all the other guy´s building a Stug
always something to pick up here and there.
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:50 pm
by Björn Johansson
Hi all
Small update on the 57th
Done some work on the front and upper hull ,
Not sure if I will use the brass thing "not sure off the english world"
Will move the driver deflector 5mm , mostly for the look

think it possible to move it a bit on the real Stug
Then it was time for those suspension arms

was a bit uncertain how to deal with it.
It became a hybrid from what I´v seen here at the forum .
Then Roy´s and now Yves also I think.
Well thats about it for now ,see you
Re: Stug III 2020 57
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:22 pm
by Roy Beukeveld
Björn Johansson wrote: ↑Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:50 pm
... Then Roy´s and now Yves also I think...
Hi Björn, nice to see it came to use, my compliments for your building quality, it looks great already!