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Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:13 pm
by Glen Clark
Hi Adam the dimensions of the lift table are as follows...
Capacity 500kgs
Min height 290mm
Max height 775mm
Surface width 550mm
Surface length 900mm
Hope that helps.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:28 pm
by Christoffer Ahlfors
Right. King tigers are really big and don't fit on an economy lift table. It all comes down to what is available locally, but you want to look at 200+ kg (scale weight for a Tiger 1 is 250kg). The size of the table can be expanded by bolting a piece of thick board to it. You may want to consider possible slush and mud your model might bring in and proof it accordingly.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:41 pm
by Glen Clark
The plan today was to etch prim the suspension arms and torsion bars.Ive got grey etch primer but I run out of masking tape.
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Other toys started to arrive so I got distracted.
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I managed to set the left stick on self centre but it keeps telling me throttle open when I switch it on.I need to find out how to adjust that in the settings.Im a complete cabbage when it comes to stuff like that I'm a hammer and spanner man really.
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These also arrived today so in theory I can bench test all the option packs.Id better sort the Radio first.
Some paint also arrived,I suspect 240ml ain't going to paint the whole tank so I'll get some more made up.
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Its supposed to be the right base colour but we will have to see when it on.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 8:21 pm
by Vince Cutajar
Nice to see progress on another Tiger build. I was starting to feel a bit lonely. Congratulations on your new toys.
it keeps telling me throttle open when I switch it on
That's normal that you get that warning with the default setting of the left stick being the throttle lever. If you don't need it it's easy to remove that warning. I don't remember off hand but I can check for you tomorrow if you don't figure it out.
I managed to set the left stick on self centre
Was it easy to do? Did you have to take the back of the TX off to do it? I chickened out and did not do it as yet.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:19 pm
by Glen Clark
I took the back off Vince,you don't need to but you have to remove the rear rubber grips.I couldn't get them to move so I pulled the back off,you just need to remove one screw.You can also remove the throttle limiter which is like 2 plastic strip.I didn't bother with them as the stick is only for elevation.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 12:29 am
by Adrian Harris
> but it keeps telling me throttle open when I switch it on.I need to find out how to adjust that in the settings
Press Roller
Use Roller to scroll down to System Setup
Press Roller
Use Roller to Select Yes
Press Roller
Use Roller to scroll down to Warnings
Press Roller
Use Roller to scroll down to Throttle
Press Roller
Use Roller to scroll left through to Inhibit
Press Roller
Press Back Button
Press Back Button
You should be back at the normal power up screen.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:17 am
by Glen Clark
Thank you Adrian,that is exactly how I need to be shown what to do.
You sir are a star.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 4:51 pm
by Glen Clark
I started painting the suspension arms and torsion bars.At the moment it's just etch primer but should I Red oxide them as well?I was going to use the full size compressor and spray gun but thought I'd try the Airbrush first.It goes on really well with the Airbrush.Its quite a thin primer not heavy cover so it will show any detail through,weld lines and cast detail.Now I know it will airbrush spray I can get the wheels primed and sprayed when I get time
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I started bench testing the option packs,at the moment I've just got the track motors attached and they work but not in any recognisable way.It seems they are in 2 stick mode which I don't want,also when I move the right stick left one motor runs.
Once I get my head around what needs doing regarding the Radio I presume I'll understand what needs doing....hopefully.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:00 pm
by Glen Clark
Everything appears to work right now,except the sound.I haven't connected the recoil would that make a difference?
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:48 pm
by Vince Cutajar
Glen, when I set up the audio, I did not have the turret sub-loom connected. I did the set-up as per instructions but have a look at this info as it could help:
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:09 pm
by Glen Clark
Thank you Vince,I just noticed that the sound card needs setting up.I haven't done that either.I got everything connected and working as it should so the excitement got the better of me and I wanted to hear bad.Ill have another go tomorrow and let you know.
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:32 pm
by Glen Clark
I painted some wheels
I've thought about it,if I count painting one side at a time then il have to paint the equivalent of 64 wheels 3 times if I put Red oxide on them.
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I cleaned them up first which acutely took longer than spraying them.
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Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:24 pm
by Adrian Harris
They look good Glen. It's amazing how good these things look with a simple coat of paint on them.
I'm building a Bailey Bridge at the moment and I think it's going to cost more in paint than it did to buy the actual bridge
Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 2:32 am
by Glen Clark
They do look good with a coat of primer on them Adrian.At the moment I'm looking at painting it in Tiger 222 colours in Normandy.I've read conflicting information on weather to paint camouflage on the wheels.I understand that most left the wheels a single colour so as not to create a strobe effect of them going around,but if they need camo on them then that's what ill do.I must confess that I like the look of the wheels camouflaged.
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Re: Novice Late Tiger Build.
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:37 am
by Allan Shannon
Enjoying your build, like you this is my first armortek kit( I have number 42), which I am building in the spare bedroom. I will soon have to vacate to the garage. Can you tell me where the artwork for tiger 222 is from was it a book if so what is the title so that I may get it or was it from the web?
Looking forward to seeing more post!
Kind Regards Allan