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Re: Water slide decals

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:13 pm
by Paul Wills
Thanks for the reply's Mark and Bob, that is a great information the unit markings, I only thought there was white and black.


As Stephen has said, have a look at the Knowledge Base topic he has created, its very informative. I used MS word to create the layout, looked at the original photos and found the closest text font for the wording and numbers. the helmets I searched for images and altered them in Photoshop to my liking, then resized them. Any image can be used but you might have to be creative as to how you get it! Like trawling through world of tanks videos to get an image of the wiegenabdichtung, then editing it down to fit the model. :D
Tiger breach 01.jpg
Paul. :wink:

Re: Water slide decals

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:04 am
by Robert E Morey
Steven, Paul,
Yes I read the knowledgebase article. I was surprised that Powerpoint was an option. I use it almost everyday for work presentations (and I do prefer its useability over Word)- but never dreamed it can be used for decals. I've read folks using Corel draw etc - which I don't have. Good to know MS products which are on every computer (except perhaps MAC) can be used for decals. Great information guys - thanks!

Old dogs can learn new tricks!

Best regards,