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Re: New Forum Suggestion

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:29 pm
by Armortek
There have been a few changes to the forum over the last couple of hours:
- Forum Rules have been updated ... nothing really earth shattering there, but the link can be found on the top toolbar
- A new OFF TOPIC area has been created. Please stick to the forum rules when posting in this area.
- A new OPTION PACKS area has been created
- The KOMPACT KITS area has been split out into the models

Over the next week, relevant topics will be moved into the new areas created.

On a separate note, we have a need to create some instructions for setting up the various Transmitters/ Receivers for tanks and wheeled vehicles - any volunteers for this ?


Re: New Forum Suggestion

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:38 pm
by Adrian Harris
Yay :!: :!: :!: :!:

With regards to the Option Packs, might it be worth splitting things further, as the original self contained recoil module
bears no relation to the current simple PCB upgrade to the Audio Module :?:
