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Re: Photobucket

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:54 am
by John Heath
PB is incredibly slow and full of ads tonight but eventually was able to open my library and open images.

Could be down to the number of users clearng out their accounts.


Re: Photobucket

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:49 am
by Dave Dibb (Armorpax)
Hi All,

I have not decided whether to increase my PB account to the new top rate but as I have a paid account that still seems to work (at least for the time being) I'll wait and see.

I already have individual folders on One Drive for all the newer projects and over the next few weeks I will start doing the same for older projects. I am thinking of starting a separate OneDrive account as an archive for these projects so they remain accessible to those who need them.

I am going to look at options for future postings and whilst not everyone is a fan there is FB.

Best regards


Re: Photobucket

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:48 am
by Chris Hall
I seem to have found a solution .... Microsoft OneDrive. Looks a bit like Dropbox, but doesn't look like another file sharing site (will we ever trust them again ?).

So far, I've got my avatar back, and I've replaced one of my pictures on the Tankfest 2017 thread. It all seems to work whether I'm logged in or not. I'll keep testing. Whether I'll ever track down and replace all my history is an open question, so I apologise if you find one of those annoying Photobucket 'ransomware' pictures (and, as Adrian pointed out, all those blue 'edit' bars :oops:). If you want a copy of the Real Thing, just PM me with your email addy and I'll find it on my hard drive.

Not being an IT techie, though, one thing concerns me. Pictures are now appearing on the Forum as an uploaded attachment rather than a hotlink. Does this mean that Armortek's bandwidth will increase ? And, if so, are there any physical size limits, and costs, to the company ? We don't want to crash the site, or send Armortek bust, do we ? :shock:

All the best,


Re: Photobucket

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:00 am
by mark lawson
Thanks to john Heath I also now use Post Image :D , I did have a look at Flicker but couldn’t post images on forums, Post Image was vastly simpler to use and allows you to store pictures in files. ... 26df7360c1

Re: Photobucket

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:20 pm
by yves mouton

I also use postimage now and it is easy to work with and
also faster than photobucket was.

regards Yves

Re: Photobucket

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:33 pm
by John Heath
I like Postimage as it's stripped down to the bare essentials and as simplified as possible. Does what you want but doesn't waste resources on fancy graphics and unneeded features. Good bit of design. 8)


Re: Photobucket

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 8:38 pm
by John Fitzsimons
Just noticed all my posts lost their pictures too. Away from home for a while so start taking back from photobucket soon. :(

I have at least started to download my photos from Photobucket. Limited access to internet for a few weeks though. Will get photos back up hopefully. Such a waste of time though.

Re: Photobucket

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:37 am
by Derek Attree
Hi All
Just noticed my photos have all gone from the
stug build and the comet build at this stage I have to much on my plate
(dealing with my late mothers estate) to try to reinstate these pictures.
I will not pay the ransom to the bunch of crooks at photobucket.
so the posts will remain picture less for the the time being I am
sorry to say.



Re: Photobucket

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:45 am
by yves mouton

I use postimage now, is very easy to use and a lot faster to upload your pictures.
Also all my tiger 1 and king tiger build pictures are gonna because of photobucket.
The pictures from my panther A build are now posted with postimage.

Best regards Yves

Re: Photobucket

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:55 am
by Adrian Harris
It seems that PB have broken then "Download Album" function as well, once you get through the interminable "I am not a robot" stuff.

I've found that "Bulk Image Downloader" from works well once you give it the URL of the album, and seems to find all the images in an album in one hit.
