Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

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Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

More pics of the old girl on the range
A few seconds after the round hit the exhaust shield and on to the rear plate
A few seconds after the round hit the exhaust shield and on to the rear plate
Magnum heat round Tiger1 002_0001.jpg (23.58 KiB) Viewed 5402 times
Close up of the damage
Close up of the damage
Magnum heat round Tiger1 004_0001 (2).jpg (41.68 KiB) Viewed 5402 times
After a large mine
After a large mine
Hesh close ups Tiger1 021 (3).jpg
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

A little more progress using lots of donated parts, she's going to have a miss match of bolt on's as the old girl will represent a vehicle that has seen lots of action and therefor been back at the field worshop many times .....Phil
It's very time consuming but very satisfying adding all those deck fittings.
It's very time consuming but very satisfying adding all those deck fittings.
This gun cleaning kit from evilbay was cheap and contains some useful barrel mops threaded rods and fittings for your model.
This gun cleaning kit from evilbay was cheap and contains some useful barrel mops threaded rods and fittings for your model.
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

Some more photos of interest of the old Tigers on the range
Im trying to find a coat similar to the one this officer is wearing,I took the photo a while ago now, its very thin and is of desert camo, please can anyone help?
Im trying to find a coat similar to the one this officer is wearing,I took the photo a while ago now, its very thin and is of desert camo, please can anyone help?
This photo is one of the very first Armortek Tigers, and believe it or not this early work of mine inspired our very own Vince Abbot, well that's what I heard anyway!
This photo is one of the very first Armortek Tigers, and believe it or not this early work of mine inspired our very own Vince Abbot, well that's what I heard anyway!
An artillery shell simulator dwarfs the Tigers, these charges are the biggest that we keep in stock
An artillery shell simulator dwarfs the Tigers, these charges are the biggest that we keep in stock
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

A little more progress inc some nice Armortek tracks all the way from OZ ...thanks Liam.
The quick wheel fix I am not happy with so I will have to be patient and hang on for some replacement wheels
I suppose it's time to say it ...merry Christmas to all you guys out there.
Still looking rough on this side so I think a new plate is needed
Still looking rough on this side so I think a new plate is needed
Very short of the mudguard brackets so have been manufacturing a couple of sets in ali
Very short of the mudguard brackets so have been manufacturing a couple of sets in ali
using the silhouette technique to make patterns
using the silhouette technique to make patterns
I used old Ferguson TE20 piston rings for the hatch opening detail to save a few bucks
I used old Ferguson TE20 piston rings for the hatch opening detail to save a few bucks
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

More progress, she's gradually coming together.I have all this to do again very soon with the very badly damaged Tiger.
She how the red oxide looks field grey with the filter for filming
She how the red oxide looks field grey with the filter for filming
That's not not gloss paint it's wet paint
That's not not gloss paint it's wet paint
The scratch built hinges turned out ok
The scratch built hinges turned out ok
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

Now there's a photo of a Tiger 1 that you don't see very often!
I have removed the side plate armour and will now tackle the tin bashing.
I have removed the side plate armour and will now tackle the tin bashing.
Some wire brushing is required in there.
Some wire brushing is required in there.
DSC_0703 (2).JPG
I don't really think the plate will hammer flat so a new one is ordered, i will use the lovely old damaged one on another project.
I don't really think the plate will hammer flat so a new one is ordered, i will use the lovely old damaged one on another project.
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

A little more progress with the ol girl, here's a nice collection of old film. Tigers in winter camo probably the best I have ever seen it almost temps me to have a go. .
It took most of the day to make and fit brackets and track rope and get it to look half decent
It took most of the day to make and fit brackets and track rope and get it to look half decent
Thanks to Mick for the wheels
Thanks to Mick for the wheels
It's a bit like the wife, when the skirt goes on it's time to take her out!
It's a bit like the wife, when the skirt goes on it's time to take her out!
I still don't got a muzzel break already
I still don't got a muzzel break already
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

Some more pics of the old girls on the range and stuff.
This pic shows a hulk being guarded until it's ready for demolition.
This pic shows a hulk being guarded until it's ready for demolition.
big blast pics 004.jpg (4.75 KiB) Viewed 4770 times
Seen before pic but in colour the witness marks from the HE content of the round are interesting
Seen before pic but in colour the witness marks from the HE content of the round are interesting
small hesh 009_0001.jpg (37.25 KiB) Viewed 4770 times
I love this still taken from one of the videos, the white hot metal fragments entering the crew compartment, looking rearward through the engine bay fire wall, it's these frags that can really mess up your day
I love this still taken from one of the videos, the white hot metal fragments entering the crew compartment, looking rearward through the engine bay fire wall, it's these frags that can really mess up your day
small hesh 007_0002.jpg (22.23 KiB) Viewed 4770 times
In scale this would have been a devastating round to hit the side armour.Note the metal frags leaving the impact site at almost 90deg.
In scale this would have been a devastating round to hit the side armour.Note the metal frags leaving the impact site at almost 90deg.
small hesh 001_0001.jpg (42.87 KiB) Viewed 4770 times
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Gerhard Michel
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Gerhard Michel »

Nice pics!

Unfortunately aluminium shows another kind of deformation than armored steel when hit by AP shells. I fear this cannot be simulated correctly without using real steel.


Unfortunately several hits to this armor plate came from behind, but some front hits are also viewable, and one can see the cratering around the hit against the flying direction of the shell.
kind regards
1/6 Scale models: Jagdpanther (AT), Jagdtiger (BT), Königstiger (Porsche turret, NH), Königstiger (Production turret, BT), Pz. IV (SH)

Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

I love it , it's a fascinating subject Gerhard. In the past I have been paid to research such things and I hope saving many lives in the process.
It's quite nice to simulate the effects in our 1/6th scale and the Armortek range has allowed me to do this.
You and your steel already :) Sorry video removed

cheers Phil.
Last edited by Phil Woollard on Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Gerhard Michel
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Gerhard Michel »

Hello Phil,

awesome video! Very nice and interesting!
kind regards
1/6 Scale models: Jagdpanther (AT), Jagdtiger (BT), Königstiger (Porsche turret, NH), Königstiger (Production turret, BT), Pz. IV (SH)

Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

Well it all starts again (I am having a break from the restorations) never a moments peace. Just taken delivery from Armortek of 2/3 of Tiger 131 the rest I have in stock.
I will try not to bore people with to much of the same "build a Tiger from the box", sorry this will be a build with my own take on the process, as usual! (sorry dont want to put people down, I love all the build threads from you guys)
I have a few ideas for the suspension, an so maybe improve the inertia characteristics (well tailor to my own requirements more like) as i intend to emphasise the lurch and dip of the vehicle under braking and gear changes.
Briefly; to start I want to rearrange the torsion bars so that the lighter ones are at the ends of the chassis with the heaver in the middle, Has anyone tried this yet?
If it doesn't work then I shall simply install them again in the correct positions.
As its all new and clean and in bits it will make the job a whole lot easier.

The winter tank shop as I call it is a large ish shed (16 x 8 feet) and super insulated, with a good elecric heater which allows the painting processes to continue all year round, working in high temperatures is lovely in the winter.The large machine shop/garage sweats with temperature changes in the winter so is not used so much until spring.
Not much room left in the winter tank shop
Not much room left in the winter tank shop
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Gerhard Michel
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Gerhard Michel »

Hi Phil,

interesting ideas to the inertia characteristics! I think if you use the light torsion bars at both ends you will get 2 disadvantages:

1. The tank will swing, when you don't use shockers. This may be acceptable.

2. The track links will raise the first and the last roadwheel when stretched correctly. I fear this may not be acceptable!

The second point can especially be watched when steel track links are used, because of their heavier weight.

In my eyes the most important point is a very smooth-running bearing of the axles for the pivot arms! Here ball or needle bearings should be used to earn best agility, then the inertia characteristices increase automatically. A tank with a pretty good road train will sink one mm when a cup of tea is places on an edge of the hull, and it will raise this mm again when the cup ist removed! :mrgreen:
kind regards
1/6 Scale models: Jagdpanther (AT), Jagdtiger (BT), Königstiger (Porsche turret, NH), Königstiger (Production turret, BT), Pz. IV (SH)

Phil Woollard
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Phil Woollard »

I like your thinking Gerhard! I shall assemble the suspension arms with good orings and a light oil to help with the friction points. :D
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Christoffer Ahlfors
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Re: Tiger 1 hard target restoration ?

Post by Christoffer Ahlfors »

Very intriguing idea! :D

I have been thinking along similar lines and once I met another modeler at a show and we discussed this. He said that "all you have to do is take a PET bottle, some pneumatic cylinders for the first and last axles and some electric valves to control them and you will be able to simulate that easily".
"All you have to do...", I'll say. :shock: But apparently, he was into industrial automation with pneumatics, so I guess it would be easy for him. I was thinking to control the system with an Arduino or similar to take the derivative or maybe second derivative of the speed and use that to control the cylinders. I suspect the possibilities are endless and the results potentially super cool. :D
But I have a few other things to do first...

A little too much is about right...

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