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Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:38 pm
by Chris Hall
Liesel (my WW1 Mk. IV Beutepanzer) is coming on a treat, so she'll definitely be there on 10 October. And I don't foresee any problems in supplying the required historical evidence ........ :wink:

Sounding great !


Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:09 am
by Günter Gäbelein

I will attend with my Bergepanther, even if it is not finished.

Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:24 pm
by Ian Rodney
Hi Gill & Mark,

As a Glaswegian I will be their bringing along my Kompact "Limber kit" and
if I can get my T34/85 tank up and running all the better!

Just need to sort out my accommodation somewhere?


Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:16 pm
by Daniel Scholefield
My Mark IV will be making it's (and my) debut all being well.

Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:52 am
by Armortek
Thanks for all the response a great start and a real variety of models. It is great for everyone to see who is coming by adding your name here, however please e-mail me directly if you prefer.

Many thanks

Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:37 am
by Steve Norris
Hi Gill.
I will be there with a Kingtiger, hopefully in running order but not complete.

Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:22 am
by Derek Attree
Hi Gill
I am hoping to be there with my Comet as a late 1944 version.



Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:47 am
by Mick Regan
Hi Gill

I'll be there with my wounded Tiger



Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:24 pm
by Uwe Gerstenmayer
Hi Gill, Hi Mark,

I'll come to the events together with my "Commander", the two little"soldiers" :) , and :

1.) my 8.8 FLAK
2.) the Sd.Ah.202
3.) my PAK 43/41

I hope to get the Sd.Ah.202 and the PAK to get together mostly as out of the Box to bring as much as possible :wink: :lol:

Accomodation is still under "review", so open for good hints :shock: :oops: :oops:

Best regards from Cologne,


Re: Armortek October Events - Guinness World Record Attempt

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:14 pm
by Stephen White
A quick update on the Guinness World Record Attempt.

Guinness have sent us our very detailed and comprehensive set of guidelines. The bid is not witnessed by Guinness in person, so verification depends on two independent witnesses and written evidence, which we'll provide.

I'm already starting to assemble the evidence, which will include photos, statements and lists. We hope to have most of the evidence gathered before October 10th. That will just leave us on the day with taking photos and videos and signing the witness statements.

There's no need for you to do anything except let Gill know which models you're bringing. We're already up to 28, so please keep the responses coming in.

If you'd like to help us get ahead of the game, there are a couple of things you could do but please don't feel any obligation.

- We have to provide an individual photo of every model. I've stared collecting them from the Forum. We'll also arrange for photography on the day but you could let us have your own choice photo. (Email to Gill at

- We also have to provide a photo of the "original" for each model. I'm building up a selection of representative photos of originals to put alongside each of our models. I'll make sure we've covered all of them one way or another. If, though, your model does represent something more specific, such as a particular vehicle, gun, unit or colour scheme, we'd like to be able to include a reference photo or scan as evidence.

The better the quality of the documentation we provide to Guinness, the more we can be certain that every model you bring will count towards the record. You can help above all by coming - extra photos would be a welcome bonus.

Thanks for reading.


Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:18 pm
by David Gray
Hi Gill I will be there with my panzer 111
David Gray :D

Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:50 am
by simon_manning
hi gill and mark i would also like to attend, i will bring my kingtiger porsche turret, very much looking forward to seeing the turnout, regards simon manning.

Re: Armortek October Events - UPDATE 20/8/15

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:30 am
by Armortek
Guinness World Record Attempt

Thank you to everyone who has replied here and directly. We have had a brilliant response so far and we are already a long way towards the target number of models. Keep them coming and we should be able to set an amazing record, not to mention put on a fantastic display for the public visiting the show.


We are pleased to confirm the prizes for the competition classes as follows:

For each of the classes on the day.

Best “Out of the Box” Build
Best Customized Build
Best Engineering Achievement

Each winner will receive:

Privileged access to some selected tanks in the museum collection, including a look inside. ( Courtesy of The Tank Museum.)
A £250 Armortek Voucher
An Armortek 'Goodie' Bag.

International Award

A Kompact Kit (either a 25 Pdr Field Gun + Limber or Pak 43/41)
An Armortek 'Goodie' Bag.

(For the international award, please e-mail with your photos. If you need to send large files, please use :

Sale and Social - Sunday 11th October

Having had a great day on the Saturday at the museum with all of your amazing models. Sunday is about you and all Armortek customers are invited, together with friends and family, to our factory.

After what will inevitably be a very busy Saturday, Sunday will be a more relaxed affair, with more time to have a good catch up and chat with us and other customers and friends.

For those who have not visited us before you will have the chance to see where the kits are produced. During the day Mark will be running a couple of our CNC machines, including our five axis machining centre which has revolutionized the way some of the kit parts are manufactured. He will be available to chat and answer your questions about how the kits are produced.

As on previous Armortek open days we will have lots on offer.

Over the last couple of years we have been having a good clear out and we have surprised ourselves with what we have found!

Grab yourself a bargain with kits and models available at very special prices. Some will be offered for straight sale, others as auction lots. (More details on these will be announced nearer the time.)

We will have lots of parts, spares, materials, fasteners, electrical items etc etc! for sale at knock down prices. Additionally we will have 'Bargain Buckets' of the ever popular material 'off cuts'.

Light refreshments will be available during the day, however if you would like something more substantial, you could take the five minute walk over to the newly refurbished Air-club, 'The Aviator' where they have on offer an excellent 'Three Meat Carvery' for £9.95 . As an Armortek customer you will also get your first drink free! Booking is strongly advised, please contact them directly:

Tel: 01404 890009

If you would like to join us please drop me an e-mail, or reply below on this thread.

If you are a trader and sell Armortek related products you are also very welcome. Just get in touch.

Doors open at 10.30 am, closed when you all go home :wink:

We look forward to seeing you all for a great weekend.


Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:50 pm
by David M Wilks
Hi Gill , I will be coming down for both events in October with 1 wife , 1 late Tiger 1 [Abt 503 Normandy] hopefully finished in time , cheers Dave Wilks.

Re: Armortek October Events

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:10 pm
by Dave Dibb (Armorpax)
Hi Gill,

I will be down both days and have at least the 25 pdr and limber with me on Saturday plus a little bit of a trade stand :-)

If there are any specific parts people want its worth dropping me a line a couple of weeks in advance of the days and I will ensure I bring them with me. If not its pot luck on what I grab off the shelves.............

Best regards
