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Re: KT has a mind of its own

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:52 pm
by Adrian Harris
Blimey - you'd be brave to jump in there :shock:

I'd love to see that gearbox in action though :D

The servo operated switch is a nice bit of lateral thinking - what does it control ?


Re: KT has a mind of its own

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:28 pm
by Dietrich Weber
thanks for the pictures. is the kingtiger running now. the speed controler called in England Mark 1 in Germany it is called Bigtanks. The speedcontroler is made in Rusian. Its the silverbox with the Fan on the Top. Its an all in One Controller for speed and loudness.

Re: KT has a mind of its own

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:42 pm
by padge mc grath
Hi Dietrich,

Many thanks for that information. I intend to post picture of the upgrades on the interior of the tank very soon. Its working very well at the moment. I have done about an hour and a half of driving since I got it back and I have had no issues to report.

The good new for me is that John Fitzsimons has agreed to take the tank from me and carry out a serious refurbishment of the paint scheme as well as some really decent upgrades including periscope lenses, MG34 mount, brass lamp etc etc.

We are attending a military show in Duncannon in the South East of Ireland and it would be nice if I could bring along a newly refurbished KT. As far as I am aware there are only 2 of us in Ireland that have these tanks and the organisers have arranged for us to display our tanks at an appointed time over the 2 days of the festival in June. We would love to have more tank enthusiasts here with us over the 2 days because we will have an enthusiastic audience the vast majority of which will never have seen a 1/6 tank before.

Saw John's Tiger 1 at the weekend and what a beautiful piece of work it is. The pictures on the forum dont do it enough justice. In the flesh it is a work of beauty and a truly magnificent example. The attention to detail is wonderful. I think that john's Tiger will be the star attraction at the show.



Re: KT has a mind of its own

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:06 pm
by John Fitzsimons
Thanks Padge, I know there are a few others in Ireland although never met them. It would be great if we could use this as a get together. And of course anybody from further afield would be made very welcome. I have posted some photos of the start of your renovation. Hope we can see a big improvement by June.