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Go Large

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:22 pm
by John Clarke
Hi Paul

Before you make the first cut consider this the 17cm K44 or The Device-5 1702 as the runnig gear is simular to the KT :shock:
You've probably seen it in one of our books :lol:
Another dodo or is it doo doo :roll:


Might have to ask for a little advice on dulling of my new KT paint work It's coming out very bright, although I recollect the same was said about 131 when was made over around 2002. Maybe these things were bright? there always depicted covered in grime. Maybe I should go for the show room finish after all. I'm begining to put on the top coats and I know one thing, Ambush camo must have been designed by a guy with a liking for picasso and modern art because in it's base form it is a bit sereal.
Oh by the way if your KT goes pear shaped can you put me down for the tool kit :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:36 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi fellas.

Its been a while again I know but I was supposed to be getting the plates cut at a proper workshop but it was taking a while waiting for the right time to crop up to get it done so ... with much trepidation and double checking of measurements the pannier side plates are now in two pieces :shock:
After all the measuring and re checking we clamped a spare piece of Ally plate to the side pannier to act as a guide for the saw,
I have used something called a "JML EXAKT SAW" I had not even seen one in use before but it is really good the cut is very clean and smooth and made with a very narrow blade...for anyone interested I picked this one up at Argos for £89.00p which I know is not cheap but the cut is very neat and that is what I was after, also you get a ceramic blade with the saw for use on tiles so two birds with one stone.
Plenty of spray oil and three passes set at steadily incresing depths seem to be the wat to go.
Vinnie and I have also cut the extension pcs which I am going to bolt onto a backing plate that will extend either side of the extension and be bolted in turn onto each piece of the pannier side to form the new length. So thats it now the King Tigers in bits waiting for the Jagdtiger to rise out of the swarfe.
More to follow real soon.
Cheers Paul and Vinnie :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:15 am
by John Fitzsimons
Hi Paul. No going back now. Saw those saws while looking for somthing to cut the excess off my rear armour plate. Did'nt think they would be up to it. I got the power file to cut the flats on my torsion bars as you advised and used that on the rear plate. Went through 3 belts but got there in the end. I have a granite floor to fit in the kitchen. Might use it as an excuse to get one of these saws.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:34 am
by Adrian Harris
Interesting saw you've found there - does it have any kind of blade alignment mark/guide ?

Can't wait to see the JagdTiger taking shape.


Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:01 pm
by Paul Morris
Hello Adrian.

There is a depth guage on the saw that allows you to set a chosen depth from less than 1mm up to 12 mm and of course anywhere in between to suit your needs, it does seem to be pretty good, just found out today that a replacement metal cutting blade is around £10.00p direct from J.M.L. I will have to see how long the blade lasts if it cuts 4 more pieces of plate I am laughing.
Cheers Paul :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:10 pm
by Steve Norris
Hi Paul.
I bet that was a very scarry first cut but your committed now :D .
I dont know how you found the time with 2 Panthers on the go as well.
Good to see some progress on the JT though.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:56 pm
by Adrian Harris
Thanks Paul. Cutting sheet materials is a pet peeve.

I suppose I ought to splash out on a bandsaw but the ones which turn up locally are usually sha**ed.


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:36 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi fellas.

Well I know you should not count your chickens but....starting to feel a bit more confident now.
The pictures below show you the next stage after the cutting, we made up a simple jig so that both sections of the pannier side were held against a piece of angle to keep the top edge square,two stops were screwed into place on the jig to form the length of the extension...with both pieces butted up against these a backing plate was bolted onto the rear face of both sections using 12 x 5mm countersunk screws, fitted from the rear and 12 x 5mm cap heads from the front.
The four holes in the middle are where the infill section is bolted in place from the front.
In this picture it looks as though there is a step but there isnt both infill pieces needed about 1 mm removed on the mill with a fly cutter to get a smooth continuous surface.
Both sections then needed to be milled to get the angle at the bottom and the rebate for the deck at the top, this was no small feat as we do not have a tilting vice!
Cheers Paul and Vinnie :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:51 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi Fellas.

A couple more pictures here, I have posted in two sections so its quicker to load {on my computer anyway :D }
The first and second picture show the extended upper hull bolted back together for the first time...phew :P
It was also a big relief when the deck fitted back in place with no bother.

After deciding we had been brave enough we went for a wooden mock up of the citadel in order to get interlocking section right, I hope these can then be used as templates for the Aluminium plates.
Quite exciting this bit as you get an idea of how things are going to look....hopefully.
More to follow soon.
Cheers Paul and Vinnie. :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:18 pm
by Conrad Sharp
Looking good and I think the stock Kt is hard enough work. You may have noticed by now Paul but I think your engine hatch is wrong, the handle should be on the rear of the hatch away from turret.. ;-)

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:25 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi Conrad.

Yes well spotted....its going to be altered but there are a few more things to do on the rear deck as well, if that is the only error on this build I will be a happy man :D
Cheers Paul.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:18 pm
by Paul Wills
Hi Paul,

It's coming along nicely Paul, although Vinnie doesn't look too happy!


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:20 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi Paul.
Cheers mate yes its starting to come together for Vinnie well .... he had just put that handle on in the wrong place :roll:

Cheers Paul :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:53 pm
by Steve Norris
Hi Paul,
Thats going to be one heavy piece of kit when finished.
Great job so far.


Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:32 am
by Stephen White

A bit of Easter inspiration:


