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Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:30 pm
by michael robinson
At the end of the day, Mark & Gill manage and run a very successful commercial specialist business and what "could" influence their future decisions is "actual" commitment rather than "I want" (PS:I am as guilty as the next man/woman).

Like all commercial businesses the "verbal/typed wants" never ever turns into "here is my order/money" & inevitably leaves "stock on the shelf"

The only potential way of influencing M&G (as long as its not an open topped vehicle - Gill :oops:) is to say - If you make an XXXX, I will have one and here's my £500 deposit.

This has the advantages of setting/confirming the prospective "size" of the "batch" by
1) Confirmed sales (with deposits) & potentials sales
2) M&G's design/manufacturing costs + margin to be economically viable

PS: I do remember a short conversation with Mark (circa 2010 standing by the CNC m/c)that the practicality and reject rate for machining the 212 needed for the LLoyd UC track links was uneconomical (high reject rate being too small to m/c). This may have some bearing on possibility for prospective "small" vehicles.

So if you really really want XXXX, you may sometime in the near future have to put your money where..................

PPS: Hetzer please :shock:

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:08 pm
by yves mouton
Hi Michael,

You can only place a deposit order if Armortek makes the panzer that you want,
not before, they make the announce for example ( THE PANTHER :wink: )
regards Yves

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:59 pm
by Steven Snel
I think we can safety say that we now know you want a Panther Yves :lol:

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:21 am
by willie leonard
This might be blasphemy to some but I'm going to throw this out there anyway.How bout any one of the most popular WW2 German tanks but in 1/10 scale,for those that might not have the room or the strength for 1/6 scale offerings.

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:44 pm
by Tim Bowman
Steven Snel wrote:I think we can safety say that we now know you want a Panther Yves :lol:
Almost as much as Paul wants a FAMO. ha ha :D :lol:

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:58 pm
by Bob Farmer
As a new customer who has dipped his toe in the Armortek family with the 25 pounder I would like to see the quad and limber kits produced. Possibly the quad released as a normal kit while the limber could be released as the new kompact offering, just an idea. Either way my credit card is sitting waiting, hint hint M & G.

Other than that I would like to see a German half track I would still tow the 25 pndr with this as it would be a war trophy.

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:27 pm
by yves mouton

My credit card is waiting for a panther
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
regards Yves

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:33 am
by neil pudney
Hi everyone, for me a good subject would be the british universal carrier (Bren Carrier)
it would be a lovely small tracked vehicle with plenty of scope for super detailing.
It would also be a smaller option to build/store and would be attractive as a good entry kit for those just joining the armortek clan.
It was used by the british of course but also by other forces so plenty of options!

regards Neil

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 5:08 pm
by Jurgen Kozak
Hi Gill.
When will be 25 pdr ammunition limber in armortek eshop?


Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:03 am
by Chang
Hi lads,

FAMO is still my wish. But before that the upgrade package of existed tanks (eg, King Tiger for me) will also be a good wish.

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:45 am
by John Clarke
This is a regular topic and must amuse Gill and Mark each time it happens.
I'd love to see the Famo given the Armortek treatment, it is huge.
Having bought a SD Kfz 7 I know the're many more considerations than for tanks, not only do they not handel as well as a tank, They are more delicate than a tank.
Gill and Mark know the market and the market likes Gun tanks.
But just in case, a couple of suggestions. Why not break into the wet works market.
But be careful what you wish for, you might get that sinking feeling.
German Land-Wasser-Schlepper (LWS) Huge
PzKpfw.38(t)A gun tank on water

A Hunting Tiger for van owners.

My favourite, probably the best looking tank ever.

The Chieftain,
Finally loved the mystery from Gill and Mark. what does the FA r stand for? Not the obvious and "r"eproductions I hope.

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:39 am
by Rolf Mönke

my request.

Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 3:52 pm
by Stephen White

I've heard a few discussions at recent events about Chieftain as the next Armortek offering. Now that Mark has the new machine tools, the cast turret and hull forward section of the full size wouln't need expensive model castings. It would be an impressive model in every respect, not least sound. Think of the possibilities:

Fourth Royal Tank Regiment Signals Training:


Night firing, Fourth Royal Tank Regiment:


Waiting for WW3, Fourth Tanks:


And lastly, the British Army's most secret weapon of the Cold War, recently de-classified, the BV:


It can now be revealed that this is Vessel Boiling Electric Mk 3, with which the British pefected the art of brewing tea inside the turret. This 24V system was all-weather, manually loading via the removable lid and offered the use of a tap for fast draw. It was usually controlled by the Operator, who was specially trained to respond instantaneously to the words of command "Get an effing brew on" to which the reply was "loaded, boiling now". After a seven minute pause (when static) or four minutes (on the move), the Operator reported "Pouring now", which was the indicator to the driver to avoid rough terrain and unneccesary acceleration or braking. Shortly afterwards, tea was available, although few drivers mastered the art of steering one handed. So good was the BV, that surplus capacity was available for infantry replenishment (so long as they provided their own mugs).

When Mark designs the new Chieftain, Gill will be able to offer the new Culinary and Beverage Option Pack.


Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 5:30 pm
by Robin Hinson
Oh yeah a Chieftain.

That's not you in your younger years is it Stephen chatting the bird up.

Best of Wishes


Re: What will be Armortek's next new offering?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 5:41 pm
by Stephen White
Couldn't possibly comment but she did have a friend, sitting in the commander's seat.