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Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 5:01 pm
by Andre Meylan
Hi friends,

So, my crazy way to build the rookie tank found something new and I don't know whether this is to be recommended in "tank" business ... I have used dual Rx setups in large turbine jets and it works perfectly.

My thoughts are to install separate Rx for the tank and its turret. an 8-channel for the lower tank and 6 channels for the turret should be sufficient. My Futaba can handle this using FASSTest. So I will not need the installment of the slip ring electrics. Does this simplify things as I hope or just complicate my life as tank rookie with unknown ???

Thanks for any comments, Andre

Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 10:22 pm
by Adrian Harris
> So I will not need the installment of the slip ring electrics

The Recoil Module needs to be wired to the Audio Module....

It's only an active low pulse each time the gun fires, so you could do it with IR and stay wire less.


Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 7:05 am
by Paul Sparkes

If you are going down the Beier route then it could be possible.
Add a power supply to the turret and the Beier trailer module everything else can be located in the turret, ESC for elevation and all the recoil, lights etc. not simple but possible.

Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 8:16 am
by AlastairCooke
If you are considering adding a separate power supply in the turret and a second receiver, then I suggest using a transmitter with more channels (24 or more). That way you can activate two channels (one in the chassis and one in the turret) with one action on the handset. That way a single switch action can trigger the sound in the chassis and the recoil in the turret.


Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 5:39 pm
by Andre Meylan
Thank you gentlemen, I did not think as far as all of you did ... particularly not about the dependency between recoil and sound module ... 8)

The idea is indeed to use the Beier module which will remain in the body and separate 2S lipos for both the receivers. I will not use and disconnect the power supply from the ESCs.

I should have enough channels to create a dual function with one command to both Rx but that has to be proven ...

Best regards, Andre

Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:50 am
by Andre Meylan
Hi there,

I just got back the two parts - gun barrel and its adapter to the recoil system - after re-machining. The adapter has a wrong thread.
While the gun has a M26 / 1.75 slope, the adapter comes with a unusual M27 / 1.5 slope and thus, the two parts don't like each other.

The gun thread is now re-cut and they fit together, no big deal. Once the recoil system is functional, I will swap the gun (CV0473) with a carbon tube to make the whole gun as light as possible. So let's continue on the turret :mrgreen:

Best regards, Andre

Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2025 1:15 pm
by Andre Meylan
I am wondering how this elevation and recoil system should work properly ... I guess there is alot to adjust to make it move smoothly and with least force on the mechanical parts ...??

I am also wondering whether I can use the elevation as I want to use a gyro to stabilize the barrel. How quick is the response through the ESC and gear of the elevation motor? I guess it will BBQ the ESC after 5 seconds when the gyro gives commands all the time ... better to switch to a servo ??

The barrel mount pivots (CV0471) are shortened by 5mm each as I cannot dissassemble the sides of the turret to get access to the HEX to remove the barrel mount later. But now, they will come out between the sides.

Best regards, Andre

Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:14 pm
by Andre Meylan
Having done some brain work, soldering and testing lately and not really advanced big time ... some stuff is quite challenging for a rookie ...

Yet, I have tested the very fine elevation and turret drives, both working absolutely perfect. As I want to use a gyro for stabilization, the combo with ESC and elevation gear drive, even at 6S Lipo, is too slow in response for a gyro. That's why I will try to fit a giant scale servo instead. I am currently working on the leverage horn attached to the barrel pivot.

Best regards, Andre

Re: Pz 87 Leo of the Swiss Army

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 12:16 pm
by Andre Meylan
I will also finish all the wiring and the tubing for the smoke option pack to be able to put on the speaker and RC electronic board and prepare for a test drive soon.

Cheers, Andre