Mick's Churchill (57)

Forum for discussions relating to the Churchill
Phil Woollard
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by Phil Woollard »

You are a pro now Mick!
Mechanical engineer.
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michael hilton
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by michael hilton »

Good evening everyone, what ever happened to our weather....never mind, the TV weather girls cheer me up...even at my age. :) Following a most successful ''Bench test'' 8) I have installed the motors and run them...I did have to reverse the servos, other than that glitch, they both ran well, no binding or noise.
Tried a dry fit of the turret assembly, it looks okay and turns easily, so fingers crossed.
Generally a really satisfying build. The hull looks and is huge, so plenty of room for the motion packs. Having the Churchill build will while away many a long Winter day and night....Mick
Motors Fitted 2.JPG
Motors Fitted.JPG

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John Clarke
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by John Clarke »

Lovely build Mick, 8) I like how you laid out the electrical bits and pieces.
Every new build these days has something different from the last. I'm trying to work out what the silver motor gear box unit does?
Is it a linear drive unit for elevation or something to do with recoil? :?
Oh Man, I only ride em I don't know what makes them work,
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michael hilton
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by michael hilton »

Good morning John, well spotted, yes it is a linear drive motor. I have not fitted this new type drive before however, it looks and feels to be a big improvement on 'servo' type main gun elevations. Excellent quality and I expect to see, when fitted, a positive upgrade. It just looks ''the business''.
''Armortek'' keep sneaking these improvements in without a '' by your leave or may I '' :)
Thank you for your post John, best wishes Mick.

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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by John Clarke »

Thanks Mick for the update, look forward to your comments when tested. Being a experienced builder you'll know and be able to compare with the older screw drive system with the newer linear drive unit. 8)
Oh Man, I only ride em I don't know what makes them work,
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michael hilton
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by michael hilton »

Thank you John, I had forgotten the earlier screw drives, I know the servo's wobbled around somewhat trying to cope with the gun weight. Just had to fit a tiny switchable rear light in that delightful rear Hull Boss....Mick
Rear Light.JPG

michael hilton
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by michael hilton »

Good afternoon lads, not too much to report. Had a tidy up. it's the only way when short on space. Anyway back to ''Bangers and Cash''....Mick
Motion Control.JPG
Hull Deck.JPG
Deck Parts.JPG

Frank Breitenbach
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by Frank Breitenbach »

Hello Mick
Nice to see, that you start an new building report.
I wish you a very enjoyable time with your model.
All the best.

michael hilton
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by michael hilton »

Good morning Frank, and thank you for your post. Hope you are well. I enjoyed following your excellent builds. I plod along ( as in slow measured steps ) every day is a new challenge. The latest build is progressing well, I enjoy every moment. Keep well and again lovely to hear from you, regards Mick.
Front Hull.JPG

michael hilton
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by michael hilton »

Good afternoon, or is it midnight, who can tell....it's dark already..... Assembling the decks, my digits are sore, too many 2.5 x 8's. I think most are on the floor. :x
The Churchill is starting to look the part....I have a number of up grades in mind for later. Plenty of ''posts'' lately, and some outstanding modelling....way beyond my efforts...... Mick.

nikolas george
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by nikolas george »

I have a soft spot for German turretless tanks, but your build is really great to see Mick. And I LOVE the black and red "DEADPOOL" look - a big part of me hopes it keeps that two tone look :-)


michael hilton
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by michael hilton »

Good morning everyone, and thank you Nikolas, for an interesting idea...... 8)

Well guys I have to confess, I made a mess of installing the Recoil Bush. I cleaned both outer bush and inner gun mount...... despite doing so i managed to ''lock up'' the recoil bush six milometers from fully located. It's not a huge problem, I fitted the recoil bracket with spacers and extended the gun barrel. The gun slides really well in the recoil bush and if necessary I can always cut away the protruding six mm. I have not had a problem before with these bushes, shoulda woulda coulda tried a dry run first. :x
Having made a pigs ear of the recoil......the turret assembled like a dream, one of the nicest 'fits' I have had in many a long year :) ....Merry Christmas everyone, drink and be merry, God willing see you all in the New Year, best wishes....Mick.
Gun Mantlet.JPG

michael hilton
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by michael hilton »

Good evening chaps, spent seven hours in the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Urgent Care department, Sunday afternoon, you can't get a GP for love nor money at Christmas......to save anyone remotely interested in my health guessing.....I have a number of ulcers on my cornea, and they are bl..dy painful. Today the nearest pharmacy was open for one hour.....thirty mile round trip....I am an old man....I can moan. :?
I have set up my recoil bench test, not yet tested but it should all work fine. Having a break now while the eyes settle down. I do hope you are all having a lovely Christmas.....Mick
Sum total of my workshop
Sum total of my workshop
Recoil Test.JPG

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by Adrian Harris »

Sorry to hear that Mick - they sound horrible!!

Hope the A&E sorted you out and they settle down quickly.

Merry Christmas :shock: :shock:

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Kevin Hunter
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Re: Mick's Churchill (57)

Post by Kevin Hunter »

My sympathies Mick.
Having had dendritic ulcers in both eyes, thankfully at different times, I have to agree - they’re not much fun.
Hope they clear up asap, and you can get back to your build. I love watching what you achieve with your models in your “workshop”.
All the best

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