Tom's Pershing Build

Forum for discussion relating to the M26 Pershing
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Tom Miller
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Re: Tom's Pershing Build

Post by Tom Miller »

I went to the hobby shop to get some music wire and found they now sell carbon fiber rods. I bought some .078 dia.

Ronald Goodall
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Re: Tom's Pershing Build

Post by Ronald Goodall »

G'day Tom, I was hoping you could help me with a situation I have encountered.I tried to fit the drive motors but could not get them in because they were hitting the back panel so I removed the bolts from the bottom of the rear panel moved it out of the way and the motors went in OK,however I can only get one bolt in (the middle one) Did you encounter the same problem if so how did you get the other two bolts in under the motors? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
Ron Goodall

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Tom Miller
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Re: Tom's Pershing Build

Post by Tom Miller »

Hi Ron,
Yes you must remove the rear panel to install the motors. I had no problem installing the motor bolts. I am not sure what you mear by the middle bolt. The bolts are spaced rather equally around the motor and are not hard to get at. Are you sure you have the motors installed correctly?

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Tom Miller
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Re: Tom's Pershing Build

Post by Tom Miller »

Hi Ron,
Now I get it. You are taking about the 3 bolts that hold the rear panel on not the motors. Yes I remember the outer two bolts being a problem. I just don't remember how I solved the problem. I may have used hex bolts if that made wrench accress easier. Or I just left them out. I just don't remember. Sorry.

Brian Womersley
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Re: Tom's Pershing Build

Post by Brian Womersley »

Can I come in there…. It is just possible… just remove the top two bolts completely and only loosen the bottom three just enough to tilt the back plate outwards enough to allow the motors to clear…. Fit motors with their spacer discs and then use a small angled Allen key to take small bites at the two bolts under the motors… you will feel the back plate pulling in and tightening up… then fully tighten the middle and top two bolts… It ain’t going to fall off 🙏

Nick Chiocchio
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Re: Tom's Pershing Build

Post by Nick Chiocchio »

Hi Tom,

For the markings, did you use stencils or maybe decals? Just curious, I have a Cricut I used for serial numbers and other markings on my other 1/6 scale vehicles and it worked well. I was wondering how you did yours? I have a while before I need to deal with my tank's markings.
Nick C.

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Tom Miller
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Re: Tom's Pershing Build

Post by Tom Miller »

I used stenciles. I bought them from

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