Volume control with the red box useful to know

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John Clarke
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Volume control with the red box useful to know

Post by John Clarke »

Came across this useful information the other day while reading through the elephant topic.
If the sound selection 11 and 12 are activated on the Red box (Benidini V2 mini), you should be able to control the sound volume from the transmitter. Leaving the amp volume on a desired higher volume the sound can be varied up or down to off.
Works with the Chieftain.
It may also work with the later 2nd gen silver box if it has the mini on board.

Thought the info might be easier to find here.

From Shaun Hunt to RC sparks.


There is a volume control on the Benedini mini, it is used via the sound selection.

Sound 11 volume up and sound 12 volume down are probably set up by default
at least one of my sound modules was supplied with these 2 functions active.

Regards Shaun"

Thanks Shaun 8)
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