Doing more for the environment

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Doing more for the environment

Post by Armortek »

Our kits are already 100% recyclable (except for the resin parts) and so are our boxes and void fill (peanut packing in the boxes).
But there is still more that we can do to lessen our environmental impact.

Starting with the King Tiger our manuals are made form 100% recycled paper. In addition, from the Jagdtiger onwards, we will be bagging some components together where it makes sense and does not lead to confusion. We will continue to wrap the aluminium parts in foam and the steel parts in anti-rust paper for the time being as there are no good alternatives.

I don't think we will ever go down the Ikea route of packaging all 1,500 fasteners in one bag, but we will combine small quantities of obviously different fasteners.

We have tried to source biodegradable bags, but with minimum order quantity of 500,000 (which would last us years!), we will have to wait a while until suppliers have made the move as well.

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Marco Peter
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Re: Doing more for the environment

Post by Marco Peter »

Good busy... But what's next! Electric tanks?!?

Oh wait.. :mrgreen:
'Konan', my Tiger 1 Mid
'Gunther', my Panther G

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Chris Hall
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Re: Doing more for the environment

Post by Chris Hall »

Don't mind sorting out different sized fasteners .... that's quite therapeutic ! But I am slightly concerned about the manuals. Colour me strange :shock: but I like to keep the manual pages pristine in plastic sleeves in a binder - I see it as an integral part of the product, like the model itself and the certificate. Will the recycled paper be of good quality, and bright white ? I'd hate to see that slightly brown, flimsy stuff .....

A fussy :oops:,

Mark IV (Liesel, Abteilung 14, France 1918)
M3 Lee (25 Dragoons, Burma 1944)
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Derek Attree
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Re: Doing more for the environment

Post by Derek Attree »

Hi Kian
I agree with Chris I also like to keep the manuals pristine and would hope the
paper will be of the same quality as we get at the moment.

I used to like when the screws were in zip lock bags as I used to use them for other things
after the model was built in fact I still have some from the panther build in 2007 that still

The new bags are a pain as when opened its easy to loose the remaining screws if you forget the bag is cut open.

Just my 2 penny worth.

we must stop making stupid predictions

Steve Stuart
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Re: Doing more for the environment

Post by Steve Stuart »

Derek has a point, a bag that is not in itself recyclable can be reused. So the non-Green becomes the greenest? I too have kept the older ziplock bags!
The idea of recycling a kit makes me shudder, it needs a new owner to renovate.

Pete Nash
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Re: Doing more for the environment

Post by Pete Nash »

Personally, when I get an armortek kit is to dispense all the fasteners into small parts storage racks like the following.
I sort them into size etc., after all an M3x10 hex head screw is the same no matter what kit it is issued with, so I wouldn't mind the fasteners being in paper bags.

One can print self adhesive labels and stick them on the bag, using the label to close the bag. Or even print directly onto the bag. All that will be needed is a description of the contents, ink can be saved by not printing the Armortek Logo. ... 1438.l2649

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