Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Forum for discussion relating to the Chietain MBT
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

I have now installed the drivers compartment, connected the various circuits and it all was working well, went and had a cuppa came back, fired up the engines and nothing! The sound module has decided to not make a sound, there's voltage getting to it but no beep when I switch on and no sound selection, any one have any ideas? Everything else is working at is should.
I'm not going to break the warranty seal so I reckon it's back to Armortek for a check over, thank God they are so good with this type of problem!
As I was at a loss I've made a start on the Armorpax oil containers , helmets and water cans before I start on the turret proper.
Very nice resin castings Dave, with little flashing to clean up
Very nice resin castings Dave, with little flashing to clean up
I have removed the sound module for checks.
I have removed the sound module for checks.
All the leds are working a treat, one on fused permanent live and switched via the toggle left hand side of the driver, the other switched from the tx and comes on when any of the lighting circuits are selected.
All the leds are working a treat, one on fused permanent live and switched via the toggle left hand side of the driver, the other switched from the tx and comes on when any of the lighting circuits are selected.
He's in there and fixed in place for now.
He's in there and fixed in place for now.
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by simon_manning »

Great build, industrial speed construction, always worth checking in on, regards simon manning.

Marcus Kwa
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Marcus Kwa »

Who wouldn't like an 'office' like that? Pure 1/6 scale crewman pampering.....


Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Now to the turret. 8)
Decal next for the oil cans.
Decal next for the oil cans.
There's an awful lot of detail required to get the light projector unit looking the part.
There's an awful lot of detail required to get the light projector unit looking the part.
I would recommend using a powered wire brush to prep the turret casting.
I would recommend using a powered wire brush to prep the turret casting.
Very complex machining involved in the smoke dischargers
Very complex machining involved in the smoke dischargers
I need to make new brackets that look more like the real thing. Would anyone have any good photos of the brackets?
I need to make new brackets that look more like the real thing. Would anyone have any good photos of the brackets?
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Steve Ellis
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Steve Ellis »

Hi Phil

Hope these help.

Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Cheers Steve they are the best I've seen! 8)
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Smoke discharger brackets, as usual there are a few variations but I have gone for the batus mk5 compromise.
I'm using the integral peg method to mount them , I will need to fill the stock holes and machine slot.
I'm using the integral peg method to mount them , I will need to fill the stock holes and machine slot.
Left and right are quite different
Left and right are quite different
As you can see the discharger is in the same kit position, the new brackets are not.
As you can see the discharger is in the same kit position, the new brackets are not.
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John Clarke
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by John Clarke »

They are really very good Phil. Like em 8)
Oh Man, I only ride em I don't know what makes them work,
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

More turret progress 8)
Filling in and rubbing down the kit machined slots.
Filling in and rubbing down the kit machined slots.
I have repositioned this discharger down a few mil as it was a bit to high.
I have repositioned this discharger down a few mil as it was a bit to high.
This front cheek almost done.
This front cheek almost done.
That fire extinguisher is a little to long, detailing the antenna armoured box.
That fire extinguisher is a little to long, detailing the antenna armoured box.
I have simply encased the stock box in heavy plasticard   to replicate the mk5 plating.
I have simply encased the stock box in heavy plasticard to replicate the mk5 plating.
The fire extinguisher is now just about right in length, it was way to long before the extra plate was added.
The fire extinguisher is now just about right in length, it was way to long before the extra plate was added.
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Turret progress. I have a few smaller parts missing but Monique is on the case! 8)
I've used some of the nicely detailed Armorpax tie down welded loops around the turret roof. I'm a!so waiting on the lovely Armorpax wiper unit upgrades to.
I've used some of the nicely detailed Armorpax tie down welded loops around the turret roof. I'm a!so waiting on the lovely Armorpax wiper unit upgrades to.
Prepping parts .
Prepping parts .
The cupola is a work of art! The periscope tenons need some dressing to get them to slot in.
The cupola is a work of art! The periscope tenons need some dressing to get them to slot in.
She's coming together.
She's coming together.
The baskets are great, there's a lot of work gone into those.
The baskets are great, there's a lot of work gone into those.
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Dave Dibb (Armorpax)
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Dave Dibb (Armorpax) »

Hi Phil,

Following on from a post on another thread by Stephen about wording and the extinguisher way too long? or is it just longer than where you would like to sit it? If its the former I'll see what we can do before the production mould, if its the later could you change your statement a little :-)

Wiper mould landed back with me today so all being well vulcanised this weekend, sprues cut in during the week and ready to start casting later next week.

Best regards


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Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Good point Dave, someone would need to measure and scale the antenna box to ascertain the correct dimensions of that before I could comment futher, I'm sure Stephen knows the correct length of the extinguishers . I'm just looking at reference photos and adjusting the mounting points to suit your beautiful pieces 8)
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Stephen White
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Stephen White »

Dave, Phil,

My master for the BCF fire extinguisher was scaled from the real thing.

BCF Fire Extinguisher Decal 4.jpg

Steve Ellis
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Steve Ellis »

Hi Phil
Some images of the TUAAM box the antenna base sits on.

Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Not much to report, been building the turret kit locker. I will fit tomorrow . 8)
Thanks for those photos Steve, the antenna box comes in various configurations, some are made from folded steel, some with welded seams, some welded to the turret like the later Mk above with stillbrew and some with a standoff mounting, I have gone for standoff mk5 type.
All soldered prepared and etched
All soldered prepared and etched
Mechanical engineer.
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