Tiger I Adjustable Suspension

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Simon Peck
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Tiger I Adjustable Suspension

Post by Simon Peck »

I’m not sure when, but at some point Armortek went from fixed suspension to ‘adjustable’, where the fixed end of the torsion bars are fed into a ‘fixed end’ (CE0270, CE0271) held tightly from outside the hull side. But in addition to these fixings, there is also a means of clamping screws onto the ‘fixed end’. This clamp/fixing seems to have moved over different production batches from being mounted above, mounted below, and mounted both above and below. My question: why is it there if the suspension is adjustable? By having it there, it seems to revert back to the earlier fixed type. can anyone share their experience? Thanks.

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Tiger I Adjustable Suspension

Post by Adrian Harris »

Once the correct suspension arm angle has been set, the vertical screw simply holds the "fixed" end in place until the main retaining screw is tightened down fully. It also provides a little extra clamping force.

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Simon Peck
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Re: Tiger I Adjustable Suspension

Post by Simon Peck »

Thanks Adrian, but why has their position (above or below) and at times number (above and below) changed? Surely from above (inside the hull) would be better than from below, (extra holes in hull floor).

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Tiger I Adjustable Suspension

Post by Adrian Harris »

Only the designers can say exactly why the screws are where they are.

Depending on the layout, getting at them from the inside can be difficult due to the batteries, electronics etc, plus the ones at the front sometimes end up under the motor mounts.

Getting at them from the outside would mean raising the tank high enough to be able to get tools, hands etc underneath to be able to adjust them, plus, as you say, they result in more holes and extra waterproofing.

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Vince Cutajar
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Re: Tiger I Adjustable Suspension

Post by Vince Cutajar »

All I can say is that on mine they were at the bottom and I changed them to be at the top. It was more convenient for me. I used allen head bolts except for the two at the front which where close to the motor mounts. For these I used hex head bolts.


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