Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

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Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Anyone else having to log in every visit, because I'm having to. The mid deck louver hatches, good luck sorting those out, just follow the build manual and label as you go.
I have a feeling that the L shaped hatch has the louvers arse backwards, or am I missing something. If anyone has a really good photo or diagram of the louver orientation that would be great, so please post it 8)
It's the L shaped hatch that I'm not sure about.
It's the L shaped hatch that I'm not sure about.
As far as I can make out from my reference  photos, all the louvers are angled toward the turret?
As far as I can make out from my reference photos, all the louvers are angled toward the turret?
It must have been a nightmare designing this lot! This hatch has been the trickiest so far, you will need to square it all off very carefully before assembly.
It must have been a nightmare designing this lot! This hatch has been the trickiest so far, you will need to square it all off very carefully before assembly.
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Youngjae Bae »

"As far as I can make out from my reference photos, all the louvers are angled toward the turret?"

Through your question, I have confirmed this fact correctly this time.
Thank you.

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John Clarke
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by John Clarke »

Hi Phil, there's serveral reversed, best picture I have at the moment, Most model kits have it wrong.

Armortek has it right though I think. Mix and match :D

The two pairs close to the turret are reversed. Not forgetting the triangled plate too.
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Every time I change the pages I have to log in again, it's getting a bit tiring 8)
Louvers and their orientations examples. 8) now I know I'm a little daft but I have taken into consideration that the photo shows the vents from the underside.
In this photo the rear vents  as they should be facing toward the rear and the front vents also facing the rear of the vehicle.
In this photo the rear vents as they should be facing toward the rear and the front vents also facing the rear of the vehicle.
In this diagram the rears are facing towards the rear and the forward vents are facing the turret. So as the armorteks vent " L" has the louvers facing away I shall need to follow suit with the others , or can I as John says " mix and match" and have the center pairs the other way round?
In this diagram the rears are facing towards the rear and the forward vents are facing the turret. So as the armorteks vent " L" has the louvers facing away I shall need to follow suit with the others , or can I as John says " mix and match" and have the center pairs the other way round?
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Stephen White »

The covers work together to promote a flow of cooling air over the radiators. The air is drawn into the engine covers and expelled through the transmission covers by the radiator cooling fans. The louvres are therefore orientated in opposite directions between the front and back covers. Hope this helps.

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John Clarke
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by John Clarke »

From what I have seen I thought Armortek had it right with the "L" shaped louver, follow Stephen's description. I suspect their pretty heavy and once their in some not so purist's may say "sod It, that i'll do" :lol:

It's like large scale Tetris

Nothing on Chieftain is "said" just when you think the tool boxes are correctish you see something like this.

I've seen this on a couple tanks, so it's not a one off.

No problems with page swopping at the moment.
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Mark Heaps »

Stephen White wrote:
Thu Jan 09, 2020 11:14 pm
Yes they were, except that in 4RTR the front left triangle bin was painted white and was our larder. I don’t remember the interior of the lids being painted but may be wrong about that.
I also cannot remember the interior of the lids being red-oxided on any of the vehicles. When open, that would have been a rectangular red patch on a green and black background so not very tactical.
I also cannot recollect any bins on future vehicles or any of the Chiefy long bins that we demanded for the REME vehicles years after Chieftain was withdrawn being red-oxided on the inside.
Possibly the red-oxide ( and white paint on the larder bin ) were applied later in unit lines for two reasons
1) Protection against rust. Bins corroded from the inside out. The paint protection got scratched more on the inside from the contents moving about than the outside ever did.
2) Helped with locating and identifying any debris or leakage / spillage when cleaning the bins after an exercise.

As the tank crews knew which bin was the larder, whichever bin it happened to be, I can only presume that either the white paint was easier than red-oxide to wipe clean, and / or the white paint made it easier to identify the contents in low light conditions when preparing the next meal.


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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Mark Heaps »

John Clarke wrote:
Sat Jan 11, 2020 11:31 am

I've seen this on a couple tanks, so it's not a one off.
Hi John,
Possibly a retro-fitted support for a cam pole.
On the front bin circled in green is a short tube angled forwards and slightly outwards which is the right size, shape and orientation for the cam poles.
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Phil Woollard
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

The vents.
Lifting hinges made and lifting handles to go, lovers alternate.
Lifting hinges made and lifting handles to go, lovers alternate.
Louvers the same orientation.
Louvers the same orientation.
Louvers all the same way
Louvers all the same way
Last edited by Phil Woollard on Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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John Clarke
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by John Clarke »

That looks the dogs (Nice), did you see Mick Hiltons engine photo? You could have photo of the radiators under those grills.

Or even a beloved.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Maybach :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Thanks John, thats just the basic out the box vents now to the detailing, these are not easy but we'll worth the cussing as you will discover, and I'm sure you will make a wonderful job of yours 8) The plan is to have the Sundance engine under that lot! 8)
Sorry just slipped in a photo of the turret interior, now that would take some work
Sorry just slipped in a photo of the turret interior, now that would take some work
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by John Clarke »

Stephen and yourself set the bar very high. I'll do your track horns if you do my welds. :lol:
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Yeah right :roll: Now you can't clip those horns mate , for one it would take for ever, and two they would then be out of scale and that would show big time! : 8)
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John Clarke
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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by John Clarke »

The original Chieftain model tracks are out of scale anyway. (shorter horns)

So what's to loose. (Outer return roller maybe :lol:)

These are the cut horns, They don't look half bad :shock:, No risk of damage to the return rollers, even if the tyres wear down a bit.

The newly cut Chieftain horns are still 1.5mm longer than the Armortek Centurion model horns (out of scale) and no one cared about them.

My Choice :lol:

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Re: Chieftain build by Phil Woollard.

Post by Phil Woollard »

Be interesting to see how you get on running the ol girl, should be just fine 8)
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