Whats in your sound system?

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Richard Goodwin
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Whats in your sound system?

Post by Richard Goodwin »

Hi everyone,

As I patiently await news of my first ever Armortek model, I have the summer to ponder on various options, one of which is the audio. Now I'm sure, for most people, the stock Armortek sound system is more than adequate; I however, am a firm believer that sound makes a movie so the system must have some base presence.

Now I do have a few starting ideas of my own but I am really interested in what others have done in practice to further expand my knowledge and understanding. So if you've deviated from the stock Armortek offering, I would be grateful if you would take a few minutes and share what you've done/achieved. This includes sound cards, amplifiers (including 2.1), speakers, subwoofers and any loss of functionality from the stock item as a result. Please feel free to mention anything no matter how small which you think has improved the overall audio performance.

I'm sure your feedback will not only help me but also others in this forum.
Once again, thank you for your time.


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Gerhard Michel
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Re: Whats in your sound system?

Post by Gerhard Michel »

Hi Richard,

in Germany we like to use the Beier sound module USM-RC2 with our tanks; beside the modules of Thomas (Benedini). The benefits of the USM-RC2 I already named in the transmitter thread:

- up to 5 gears forward and reverse
- automaticly differencing between cold and warm start
- 30 additional sounds which are directly selectable
- 30 more additional sounds by a WAV-player
- 8 occasional sounds
- nearly unlimited sound length using a storage card
- 12 switching outputs
- all sounds are user definable
- loudness control by transmitter (stepless, if wanted)
- 2 x 20 watts output, external amplifiers usable
- usable with nearly all receivers with enough free channels

Ok, here I will stop enthusing :wink: Please read the manual containing more than 100 pages at the Beier homepage (free to download before buying a module, of course also available in English).

Recently I prefer to combine Thomas Benedinis amplifier of 2 x 60 watts with the -RC2, because it is usable with 24 V power source, and the -RC2 needs only 5 volts when its amplifier is not used. So my tanks have only ONE power supply with 24 volts and a little BEC with 5 volts. Normal car HiFi amplifiers unfortunately use only 12 volts power supplies. So I formerly needed a 24 to 12 V DC-DC-converter with 250 watts of power to use a 250 W car HiFi amp in two of my models.

The loudspeaker in a tank must transmit deep frequencies. Therefore it needs a large diameter. The available space doesn't allow to use 2 large speakers, but the amplifiers usually have 2 channels (stereo). So I use ONE loudspeaker with double moving coils, and I have the power of 2 speakers with the required space of only one speaker.

Please feel free to ask for sources of supply, if you want. :D
kind regards
1/6 Scale models: Jagdpanther (AT), Jagdtiger (BT), Königstiger (Porsche turret, NH), Königstiger (Production turret, BT), Pz. IV (SH)

Phil Young
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Re: Whats in your sound system?

Post by Phil Young »

Hi Richard

I totally agree, we need louder and more bass, my Tamiya KT with one speaker is much louder than my 1/6th Tiger!


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