The RC side of it is still a mystery to me - I rely on the 'clever people' to write the instruction book, which I slavishly follow ! But I would see both versions working as follows:
- 2 channels for drive - left and right track. This is surely a given.
- 1 channel for the sound card. I'm assuming the following sound files -
Engine start / run
37mm gun fire (with flashing LED)
Co-axial m/g fire (with flashing LED)
Fixed hull m/g fire (with flashing LED's)
- 1 channel for Turret rotation / 37mm gun elevation
- (Possibly) 1 channel for lights
Can the main 75mm gun be 'randomly' operated from a control box like the Mark IV tank ? That would be the 6th channel. It would mean that the 'driver' would concentrate on driving and the turret, much like a 'normal' tank. I'm also assuming single-stick driving, leaving the other joystick for turret rotation / 37mm gun elevation.
Does that make sense ?
The one I can't solve is the Lee m/g turret. If it's to move it'll need an additional turret motor. It might be best to leave it unpowered (apart from possibly a sound file for the m/g) and let people come up with their own solution. It is, of course, not an issue for Grant owners, or people like me who are going to take off the m/g turret altogether (as the British often did, as well as plating over the front m/g's).
Hope this helps. I'm venturing into unknown territory, but this is the first time I've been in on the 'ground floor' of an Armortek model, so I'm sticking my neck out !
All the best,