Cent no power to tracks

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Paul Brown
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Cent no power to tracks

Post by Paul Brown »

Cent working fine then turn on spot and power to tracks died, turret and gun still move. Any ideas, assume and hope it is a fuse. Any help would be appreciated.

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Cent no power to tracks

Post by Adrian Harris »

Which motion system do you have ?

If it's the most recent then there's a big blue 60A fuse on top which should be easy to check.

The previous version, the Power Supply Module has the fuses inside. When you turn it on there should be a line of 5 red LEDs.

If you've only got four, then one of the fuses has blown. You'll need to take the top off to replace it.

Contact me at sales@armortekaddict.uk for details of my smoker fan control module

Paul Brown
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Re: Cent no power to tracks

Post by Paul Brown »

Thanks Adrian
Just looked inside power supply and found 40A fuse blown, need to purchase and try again. Just thinking wasn’t doing any really stressful manoeuvre and fuse has blown and wondered if anybody replaced with a larger fuse without any problems to the circuitry. I know there to protect module but seems like a weak link in system if blows on minor manoeuvring.

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Cent no power to tracks

Post by Adrian Harris »

> Just thinking wasn’t doing any really stressful manoeuvre

Neutral turns are the most stressful thing you can do to a tank.

When driving normally, the tank simply places a link on the ground and drives over it, so there is very little friction involved.
When doing a neutral turn, the tank must drag all of the links which are in contact with the ground sideways, so a huge amount of friction.

To see the difference, push the tank forwards by hand and then try and push it sideways.

Whether that fuse can be replaced with a larger one is a question for Armortek, but I would guess not.

Contact me at sales@armortekaddict.uk for details of my smoker fan control module

Dave Nadin
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Re: Cent no power to tracks

Post by Dave Nadin »

Hi, I been driving my cent for some time, and have blown a couple of 40a fuses in the processes. Normally when doing tight turns in long grass with the smoker running. Its the old adage if your running in long grass try to avoid neutral turning & harsh accelerating. There's a lot of weight on the move . Check the condition of your batteries, as lower voltage's will result in higher currents popping the 40 fuse, & reduced running time. Finely don't over tighten your tracks, My track tension is set at 5mm lift, at the 2nd top from the front, idlers roller

Happy tanking

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